First Cycle 400mg Test -E (log)


Feeling good, forearm pain is better. Today was a condensed back workout, I threw in some light squats just to stretch out.

Deadlift 225x5,5 275x5 , 325x5,5 375x1
Power Clean 5x5 @ 155
Squat 135x10, 175x5 195x5

I'm starting to draw a little more attention. At the office today a co-worker added that I was looking a bigger. I responded wit " Yeah, I've been bulking, wish I could say it's all muscle". Slim fit dress pant and H&M dress shirts are no longer a good option for work:). I weighed today at 183 which was a surprise and set a big PR of 5x5 bench press with the 95's dumbbells. My shoulder is still not cooperating so I'll probably be using the DB's for some time.
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Wt. 183 lbs

Sides: Forearm pain still lagging??
Effects: Feel slightly more alpha, strength and weight increasing slowly
Total Weight Gain +/- : + 6 lbs

Work out
DB press 95's x5,5,5,5,7

I pinned today for injection #7 which ends my third week on cycle. The pinning was absolutely flawless and I'm actually beginning to look forward to the next shot. Weight was up big time today 184 before workout and 185 after workout. Biggest change has to be mental for me, very hard to explain but in general just feeling like a happier guy:) I really fond of condensed workouts. It might not seem like out but they yield consistent progress.

Sides: Forearm pain still lagging, slight acne of face.
Effects: Mental wellness is at a high , strength and weight increasing slowly
Total Weight Gain +/- : + 7 lbs

Hammer curls 4x6 w/40's
DB front raise 2x10 w/ 20's
Triceps push down 4x10 @ 130lbs
Cable kick backs 4x12 @ 30lbs
Shrugs w/ Farmer Carry 4x10 @ 245
Cable crunch 4x20 @ 140lbs
Sounds good brah. Im looking at my first cycle and its nice to read about your exoerience. How many times are you pinning a week?
Awesome thread!! I start my similar cycle at the end of Jan. Looking forward to seeing your results. What days are you pinning? Sun and Wed each week?
I pinned yesterday at 250 mgs instead of 200. I'm tempted to up it too 500 mgs a week but I'll see how 450mgs treats me for now. I'm having no estrogen related sides and had a few zits on back, but overall skin is good. I was sick over last week and dropped a few lbs. Even though I was sick I still managed to hit PR's nearly every workout. I'll weigh in tomorrow.

Back squat 4x3 with 245 (oly style)
Front Squat 3x3 with 220
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Had a great workout, set some PR's. Acne is becoming a little more pronounced but not a give away. I have some fungal antibiotics encase it becomes a problem. Sorry about the pics, I don't really have any mirrors available and don't want to freak out my roommates.

Wt. 185.5
Side effects: Slight increase in acne
Gains: I'm getting progressively stronger every week. I'm able to become a little more intense during my lifts.
Weight Gain +/-: 7.5 lbs
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Close Grip Bench 5x5 with 210, was very easy
Weighted Dips 75x10, 77.5x10 80x10 82.5x10 85x10
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Whoa this is awesome, Same exact cycle I am doing. Test C 400mg/wk 12wks but with Deca 300mg/wk 9 weeks. Let me know how the gains are. I'm very interested in how this is going to go.
Another great day with non-existent sides. I pinned in my right quad today and it went smoothly, I also dosed 12.5mgs of aromasin. Kicked ass in today's back workout with a 15lb PR on dead lifts. This also marks the end of my 4th week.

Sides: none really, balls are still of size:)
Gains: Sex drive, weight, strength and self confidence all are way up.
Weight +/-: 7.5lbs

Deadlift 135x10, 225x10, 275x5, 315x5 365x2 385x1 395x1 (pr) 405x1 (pr)
DB Rows 5x10 w/ 90's

I'm totally psyched for my leg workout tomorrow;)
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I'm not updating this as much as I should but so far so good. I'm not really experiencing any sides and strength and weight gains are continous.

Sides: none, maybe slight water rention?
Gains: Sex drive, weight, strength and self confidence all are way up.
Weight +/-: 9.5lbs

Notable work out updates
Front Squatted 240 and got 285 on Back Squat
Close Grip Bench 5x5 w/ 225 is a 40lbs increase in comparison to start of cycle.
Great log man. Interested to see the end result, good gains for the 5th week. Killing it by the 10th
Thanks man, the biggest surprise for me has been the lack of sides and the mental benefits.

I'm always cautious when pinning and today's was more or less painless. I wasn't able to dead lift today because my back was feeling a little off, but overall was another great workout. My diet has essentially been a dirty bulk but I'm slowly cleaning it up.
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Wt.187.5 (unchanged)

Sides: none,
Gains: Sex drive, weight, strength and self confidence all are way up.
Weight +/-: 9.5lbs

Wide Grip pullups 5x12
DB Rows 5x12 W/ 90's
BB Shrugs 5x10 w/ 315
Today was just a random workout day. I hit lats, traps and biceps. Hit a new high today at 188

Sides: nothing stands out, I got a nose bleed today but I attribute that to dry nasal cavity but noted;(
Gains: Sex drive, weight, strength and self confidence all are way up(unchanged
Weight +/-: + 11 lbs

Hammer curls 5x10 with 40 Db's
BB Shrugs 4x 20,20,15,18 at 315
Straight arm pulldown 4x15 w/stack
Im a noob and im looking to start my first cycle of test prop in February cant wait to see the end result. Thank you for posting :)
Everything is going really good. This is probably the best I've ever felt mentally and physically . I hit 190 today, which is the heaviest I've ever weighed. Still no sides what so ever, sex drive is ridiculousness, like overwhelmingly so. I'll throw a progress pic up tomorrow, my traps have blown up and I've outgrown a lot shirts.

Sides: none,
Gains: Sex drive, weight, strength and self confidence all are way up.
Weight +/-: 12lbs

Deadlifts- 135x10,10 225x10, 315x5, 365x3, 385x1 405x2 PR!!
Wide Grip pullups 5x10
DB Rows 5x12 W/ 90's
BB Shrugs 4x20 with 330