Week 5:
- Slightly more acne
- about the same oilyness in skin
- still getting slight seepage after pin
- Might be starting to get gyno!
- Taking adex .25 ED now
- looking slightly leaner/ thicker
- Lifting bit heavier
It feels like there is tissue in my right pec that i can grab, it is very slightly tender, although when i flex is somewhat goes away (still there slightly tho). This is slightly noticeable in my left pec also but more noticeable in the right. I think it would most likely be fat but also might be very early stages of gyno. I dont have puffy, itchy or irritated nipples or pec.
Would anyone recommend pushing my cycle to 15 WEEKS instead of 9.5?
I travel away for 2 weeks on week 16 and 17, was planning on completing PCT before i leave. if Yes why? and what HCG dosage should i do if i do 15 weeks. Thanks!