Hey Mike , the point of aspirating isn't just to be sure u dont shoot in a vein? I dont pin myself , that what my nurse told me tough.

Is there any other reasons ppl would aspirate?

That's what I heard as well. I gave up aspirating long ago. There's tons on info about it not being necessary.
Not to get into this age thing again but I have gotten so many injections in my time and I cannot remember when the nurse aspirated.

There is so much info on the internet these days about not needing to aspirate just ask google. Aspirating IS just about the blood n blood vessels. What else could you draw up and see.

Please look it up for you and your nurse's knowledge. AND do what is comfortable for you. This is not rocket science. If you hit a vein and I do sometimes (I don't know) I can't stay in it much less inject the oil in it more then a mere little drop, if that much. Closed issue now
Week 3:
Both injections went smooth. No blood in asperate. Hardly and PIP getting use to it. No lump/ bumps at injection site.

Noticed a few pimples come on this week. (i have been prone to this growing up).
Bit more stressed/ frustrated than normal, could be due to other reasons also.
Never had any problems sleeping but this week a few nights i have had trouble getting to sleep. (laying in bed about hour and half to get to sleep rather then 10-20 min max) also if i wake up during the night i notice it has been little harder to get back to sleep. Nothing that bad tho.

My syringe hygiene is on point.
Training has been alright, havnt notices any energy increase while at gym or at all.
Next week get blood work done.

Let me know if anyone wants more details
Expect changes in the gym and more during the 5th week.

Everything seems to be on point. Relax more. Doin good!

Good post..
Last edited:
Week 4:

- Feel slightly harder
- Look thicker
- 3.5kg gain since start of cycle
- sweating alot - need a towel at gym now
- when injecting i notice a little seepage of oil (will try z track method)
- slight pain in balls sort of a ache. only happend twice. hardly noticeable ( sorta in pelvic floor)
- small lump day after injection
- few more small pimples
- balls FEEL smaller unsure tho

Would anyone recommend pushing my cycle to 15 WEEKS instead of 9.5?
I travel away for 2 weeks on week 16 and 17, was planning on completing PCT before i leave. if Yes why? and what HCG dosage should i do if i do 15 weeks. Thanks!

Would really appreciate anyones opinion on answering question above!
Week 5:

- Slightly more acne
- about the same oilyness in skin
- still getting slight seepage after pin
- Might be starting to get gyno!
- Taking adex .25 ED now
- looking slightly leaner/ thicker
- Lifting bit heavier

It feels like there is tissue in my right pec that i can grab, it is very slightly tender, although when i flex is somewhat goes away (still there slightly tho). This is slightly noticeable in my left pec also but more noticeable in the right. I think it would most likely be fat but also might be very early stages of gyno. I dont have puffy, itchy or irritated nipples or pec.

Would anyone recommend pushing my cycle to 15 WEEKS instead of 9.5?
I travel away for 2 weeks on week 16 and 17, was planning on completing PCT before i leave. if Yes why? and what HCG dosage should i do if i do 15 weeks. Thanks!
Good luck with your cycle bro keep us updated. I'm currently on week 6 of my test E cycle you can check my log if you want too
Week 5:

- Slightly more acne
- about the same oilyness in skin
- still getting slight seepage after pin
- Might be starting to get gyno!
- Taking adex .25 ED now
- looking slightly leaner/ thicker
- Lifting bit heavier

It feels like there is tissue in my right pec that i can grab, it is very slightly tender, although when i flex is somewhat goes away (still there slightly tho). This is slightly noticeable in my left pec also but more noticeable in the right. I think it would most likely be fat but also might be very early stages of gyno. I dont have puffy, itchy or irritated nipples or pec.

Would anyone recommend pushing my cycle to 15 WEEKS instead of 9.5?
I travel away for 2 weeks on week 16 and 17, was planning on completing PCT before i leave. if Yes why? and what HCG dosage should i do if i do 15 weeks. Thanks!
Week 5, Day 4 blood test results:

Total testosterone: 52.0 nmol/L
Average reccomended range: 8.0 - 38.0
LH: 0.2
Average reccomended range: 1.0 - 14.0
FSH: 0.2
Average reccomended range: 2.0 - 14.0

All other results where all within normal ranges, very slight change to pre tests.

In comparison to Pre tests, taken 3 weeks prior to first pin:
Total Test: 21 nmol/L (average reccomended range was 8.3 - 29.0)

Test levels have gone up 1.6x normal range
Week 6:

- Thicker, harder
- Weight increase to 90Kg
- Oily skin still
- Balls havnt really changed (at all)
- Still taking adex .25 ED
- Little bit stronger

Still bit concerned about gyno but haven't noticed any change to week 5.

Would anyone recommend pushing my cycle to 15 WEEKS instead of 9.5?
I travel away for 2 weeks on week 16 and 17, was planning on completing PCT before i leave. if Yes why? and what HCG dosage should i do if i do 15 weeks. Thanks!
Week 7:

- Harder
- Weight increase to 92-93Kg
- Acne on chest only few small red dots
- Balls havnt really changed (at all)
- Still taking adex .25 ED
- Stronger

Not that conserned about gyno anymore! chest has filled out a little bit and got rid of most the fat on chest. I feel like it was just fat.

Week 8:

- stronger agian
- Confidence increase
- Feel tight like i have semi pump most days

- Noticed its harder to get DOM's.
- Injections going good, sometime they hurt noticeably more then other times.

Would appreciate any opinions on following:

Would anyone recommend pushing my cycle to 15 WEEKS instead of 9.5?
I travel away for 2 weeks on week 16 and 17, was planning on completing PCT before i leave. if Yes why? and what HCG dosage should i do if i do 15 weeks. Thanks!