First cycle advice - come at me


New member
Hi Guys,

I am getting ready to kick off my first cycle - hoping to get some advise / constructive criticism before I start & also throughout the cycle.

I'd like to point out that I've been reading various threads on this forum for over a year & have held back actually posting my own until I felt I had done my research & got my training & body to a level I am happy with.

About me: I'm 26, from Australia, have been playing rugby since I was 10 & have been body building / training since I was 21. Over the past year I have really stepped it up with my sups, training & eating to what I consider a good level. I train with some big units who have cycled various combos over the years & have experienced many side effects from lack of knowledge & too much guess work etc... I'm hoping to minimise the trial & error / issues with some further input from you guys.

26 yrs old
91 kg / 202 lbs

Bench: 100kg / 222lbs
Dead: 100kg / 222 lbs
Squat: 120kg / 260lbs

Week 1-12: Test C - 500mg per week - 250mg mon / 250mg thurs
Week 1-12: Armidex 6mg per week - 1mg per day mon to sat

Week 15-19: Clomid 600mg per week - 100mg mon to sat
Week 15-18: Armidex 6mg per week - 1mg per day mon to sat
Week 19: Armidex 10mg per week - 2mg per day mon to fri

Feel free to come at me with any advice / criticisms etc.


I think cycle looks good bro, BUT!! too much Adex in my personal opinion. I do .5mg eod and works great for me. Not everyone is the same I know but Adex if is legit is strong to be use 1mg ed. I suggest you to start at .5eod then adjust as need it, go up or down on dose. For post cycle therapy (pct) I don`t like Adex cause Adex bind from estro enzyme and can results on estro bound after drop the Adex. Aromasin is more likely to use on post cycle therapy (pct) cause it will attached to the enzyme and de-activted/ mean is no longer active = no estro bound. You can include Nolvadex which helps with estro control as well of gyno sides if estro gets out of control. In my opinion looks you did some good reads, enjoy your cycle bro.
thanks for the reply pikiki your a champion.

What are your thoughts on substituing 0.5mg Adex EOD with 10mg Aromasin ED on cycle?
thanks for the reply pikiki your a champion.

What are your thoughts on substituing 0.5mg Adex EOD with 10mg Aromasin ED on cycle?

Either way is good man, remember will depend on how prone to sides you are but you can do Adex on cycle then switch to Aro for post cycle therapy (pct) or just Aro cycle and post cycle therapy (pct). For post cycle therapy (pct) Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is not a must far as I read from diffrent post cycle therapy (pct) protocols and mayority of ppl don`t use it cause they include Nolvadex. If you already got Adex stick with it other wise you want to get Aro. just my .2 Just let me know if I can help you with anything else bro.
Welcome to Ology. Pikiki is right - if you run adex 0.5 or even 0.25mg eod is fine, and don't run through post cycle therapy (pct). Aromasin is fine at 10mg ed and to run through post cycle therapy (pct). With just 500mg cyp per week you would be fine keeping the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand and using in the event of any issues, unless you're really concerned with water retention, then just run it from the start.

You could also run the clomid at 50mg ed for post cycle therapy (pct) instead of 100. I recovered very quickly with just 50mg ed clomid from my first cycle.

Good luck!