First Cycle. Advice needed possibly.


New member
Hello Im going to start my first cycle soon, done over a year of research, 5 years working out (gained 45lbs over the period) 2 years of proper nutrition) I now weigh 185 less than 11% bf. All natural no PH or AAS.

Cycle ( Test only)

Weeks 1-10

Test Ethenate 500mg weekly (mon. morning, thurs. night)

Liquidex (aromasin) .5mg EoD


Clomid (Don't really know how I should Dose properly, need advice please)

Nolva- 20/20/20/20

Hcgenerate- 5 pills a day. (worked alone in the past, libido increase through the roof)

THank you for any help!
Personally I would extend to 12 weeks as it'll only start kicking in around week 4-5
The liquidex is arimidex and I would start out at .25 EOD or .5 E3D and change it if you see sides, start it with your first pin as test aromatizes with the first shot
The clomid you can either run 100/50/50/50 or just a straight 50/50/50/50

I guess I was beaten to the punch
All the info you need is in those first two responses lol. As Kazmir said liquidex is arimidex and exemestane or liquid stane is aromasin.

Also HCGenerate is not the same as true HCG. Might have worked in the past but that was before having your HPTA shutdown due to exogenous testosterone. Some ppl don't use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at all and HCGenerate is probably better than nothing so as long as you know there's a difference you'll be ok.
Thank you guys so much for the quick replies, ill definitely keep this a log and jot down things as I go! Wish me luck, pretty anxious/nervous/excited to start.
Good luck bro and welcome to the dark side...keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times cause your in for a helluva ride...
Hey guys, just thought I should update things,

took my first shot 250mg monday morning and my second lastnight. been taking liquidex .5 E3d and seems to be working fine. Ive been eating like a horse (cleanly) though is this all psychological right now? When should I start "feeling it" and I got offered free winny... 25mg tabs. its legit, and i was wondering should I use it in the end to harden up or save it? Work outs have been amazing btw
Its recommended for a pinning schedule of sunday/wednesday or monday/thursday to keep levels stable. I would do the liquidex .25mg eod and adjust as you progress if any sides show. Around week5 is usually the time you "feel it." Could be sooner, could be later just varies person to person. Placebo effect is nice definitely. Winstrol (winny) is your call. Best of luck
Hey guys, pins going good. 2 1/2 weeks in and I can feel the stamina in the gym.. Not getting tired even after my goal keeper workouts. Great mood, eating very well, and training hard. Libido is insane.. No gyno so far (thank god) been using liquidex .5 e3d. Only problem is breaking out on my nose... I have stridex cleanse pads and cleaning my face daily. Any other way I can combat the acne? Thanks!!
Hey guys, pins going good. 2 1/2 weeks in and I can feel the stamina in the gym.. Not getting tired even after my goal keeper workouts. Great mood, eating very well, and training hard. Libido is insane.. No gyno so far (thank god) been using liquidex .5 e3d. Only problem is breaking out on my nose... I have stridex cleanse pads and cleaning my face daily. Any other way I can combat the acne? Thanks!!

Shower twice a day and scrub your face twice a day. Tanning beds help and you can pick up some zinc that helps too.
Hello guys im on my 6th week, thought I should update.. I have been taking 500mg a week of test eth and .5 liquidex E3d, ive put on 15lbs and with my diet have gotten a much leaner and bigger look. My parents, family, friends all complement me its nice! haha my bench has gone up from 225x5 to 255x5 during eek 4. I have no gnyo, no acne at all, libido is crazy and im loving it!!