First cycle after traning for 6 months. More info needed img result inside


New member

Ive made a post regarding my cycle but actually there was no more information sorry about that. I started training before 6 months ago without any cycle yet. was taking protein and other normal supplements.

I've started my first cycle and maybe i can get advise from experts regarding that.

My goal is to get fit body fitness style I don’t want it so big.

Current Stats:
Height: 6'3" (190 cm)
Weight: 103 kg
Age: 27

First cycle started as below for 1 month :

propionate testosterone: 300 mg weekly
trenbolone acetate: 300mg weekly
Equipoise: 250mg weekly

Medcine im using to protect the liver : legalon 70 mg

side effect: Nothing at all. Healthy with 0 effects

I was 95 when i started the cycle now im 103 almost going to 104 kg.

Before and after result. I know its not that much but hey im just starting so dont laugh lol still going xD

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View attachment 560952

Im planning to start using Winstrol and Anavar now. Any advise would apprichate it

Thank you
You definitely lost some fat problem is you didnt have much of a base before starting not much muscle i know you dont want big but you dont have alot too show yet but good job on getting leaner. Your wasting your time on 250mg of EQ your not gonna get the benefit from it that low. Test tren is good for your goal i wouldn't use var or winstrol yet but if you do go with var but high dose.

Hows the blood pressure? And are you gonna cruise or planning a pct? You need to hit the weights more your lean enough to make good progress and dont worry your not gonna get big that takes time higher doses and lots of food.
I dont need ai at your test dose but you may be different get blood work check e2 and go from there. I rarely use ai what i do now is keep letro handy i can usually tell when estrogen rises and i just kill it off with letro. Masteron is also good although not a ai at low dose test it makes it hard for estrogen to get high imo
You definitely lost some fat problem is you didnt have much of a base before starting not much muscle i know you dont want big but you dont have alot too show yet but good job on getting leaner. Your wasting your time on 250mg of EQ your not gonna get the benefit from it that low. Test tren is good for your goal i wouldn't use var or winstrol yet but if you do go with var but high dose.

Hows the blood pressure? And are you gonna cruise or planning a pct? You need to hit the weights more your lean enough to make good progress and dont worry your not gonna get big that takes time higher doses and lots of food.

Yeah im happy im remmoving the ugly fat skin i have lol. How much dose can i use for EQ also i might need more muscle before i start var and winstrol? Any doses for both of them to use?

Blood pressure is fine i made full test for my body nothing shows something weird so far, I'm planing to use pct when im done as below :

Bricanyl HCG 1500 - 5000 every 5 days 3 times
Nolvadex 20-40 mg everyday for 5 weeks
You also need clomid for pct i was asking about pct for a friend yesterday. Imo winstrol would be a good finishing touch for a lean muscular physique. Reason i say hold off on var is i dont think its that powerful unless ran at 100mg+ and that can be pricey plus lots of underdose or fake var out there. EQ 600mg minimum im on a gram its good with tren but pretty mild it does give the delts a nice popped look though. I like your test and tren dose personally id bump tren to 400mg are you using ace?
You also need clomid for pct i was asking about pct for a friend yesterday. Imo winstrol would be a good finishing touch for a lean muscular physique. Reason i say hold off on var is i dont think its that powerful unless ran at 100mg+ and that can be pricey plus lots of underdose or fake var out there. EQ 600mg minimum im on a gram its good with tren but pretty mild it does give the delts a nice popped look though. I like your test and tren dose personally id bump tren to 400mg are you using ace?

I will put that in mind using clomid for sure, I will got for 600mg EQ for 2 weeks more and bump the test and tren to 400mg before i start using winstrol also true the anavar is expenside here i found out the bottle cost 120$ lol but i was planing to use 100 tablet or its low?

Also i didnt get what does ace mean i didnt understand it sorry about that
Why run eq for a month or anything of that nature. Yeah short ester 6-8 weeks to be fully effective but eq should be used 12-15 weeks for full benefits. Please man do research before messing up ur body. Always have a pct on hand and ready unless ur a life timer like me
Why run eq for a month or anything of that nature. Yeah short ester 6-8 weeks to be fully effective but eq should be used 12-15 weeks for full benefits. Please man do research before messing up ur body. Always have a pct on hand and ready unless ur a life timer like me

The reason im runing them low is im not really looking for so buffy big body as you can see from my picture, my goal to get muscles cut showing without being the HULK. As low doses and amount i will use pct for sure but im not looking for really big body build :/

That's the reason im using them for 2 months then going to anavar and winstrol
The reason im runing them low is im not really looking for so buffy big body as you can see from my picture, my goal to get muscles cut showing without being the HULK. As low doses and amount i will use pct for sure but im not looking for really big body build :/

That's the reason im using them for 2 months then going to anavar and winstrol

Your not going to blow up over night! Hahahaha every time I see someone post this, it just shows their inexperience and ignorance. You think most of us just pinned whatever for a month or two and got huge? Don't work like that son. It's all about what you eat. You got some learning to do..
I know im not going to blow up over a night haha im just saying the buffy look that happen when you start work out. I dont have experience yet im still learning also asking for advised for people who know more like you. im away from fat food so far because before i was eating whatever i want.

Is there any website that i can pay for to train me and give me good program to use for food etc? worked out a whole 6 months and then decided to jump on the juice?? Not to rip on ya but like 49er said you have no muscle base! You could've gotten that look from diet and creatine. Get a good nutrition program going and lift more weight....a lot more weight! Check into this 3J guy everyone talks about, if this many people are talking about him I gotta believe he's good. I'll be useing him for sure on my next cycle.
Why has no one pointed out that he should run a test only cycle at first?! You gotta plan your pct and know about using an AI and HCG. Do more research and run test only. If you want to stay lean run some prop, some bro scientists tell me that it causes less water retention, but you will be pinning more often. I believe test is test but everyone says they get less bloat on prop so you may want to go for that ester.
you need to add more lean body mass.. run your test prop you have for 5 weeks, but also add 500mg a week of test E,, and run that for 12 weeks. Eat a calorie surplus, but eat clean. Put on 20 pounds.. then when your done lean out a bit,, but all you need is 12 weeks of running test, with the test prop front load,, you don't need any other compounds to do this.
You also need clomid for pct i was asking about pct for a friend yesterday. Imo winstrol would be a good finishing touch for a lean muscular physique. Reason i say hold off on var is i dont think its that powerful unless ran at 100mg+ and that can be pricey plus lots of underdose or fake var out there. EQ 600mg minimum im on a gram its good with tren but pretty mild it does give the delts a nice popped look though. I like your test and tren dose personally id bump tren to 400mg are you using ace?

goood god! 100mg+....screw that noise

I'm glad I have it for a script. 50mg will literally cause almost unbearable back pumps if I stand for 30mins.