First cycle after traning for 6 months. More info needed img result inside worked out a whole 6 months and then decided to jump on the juice?? Not to rip on ya but like 49er said you have no muscle base! You could've gotten that look from diet and creatine. Get a good nutrition program going and lift more weight....a lot more weight! Check into this 3J guy everyone talks about, if this many people are talking about him I gotta believe he's good. I'll be useing him for sure on my next cycle.

I also don't see 230 pounds in the picture, even at 6'3". He looks like 200 pounds at about 15% body fat. Unless he has some really dense muscles or his bones are made of adamantium I can't see the weight. Yes, 6 months is not a lot of time training before jumping on. Most guys here recommend like 3 years. I believe that a year and a half should be the bare minimum for natural training and learning how to grow without the gear.
Why has no one pointed out that he should run a test only cycle at first?! You gotta plan your pct and know about using an AI and HCG. Do more research and run test only. If you want to stay lean run some prop, some bro scientists tell me that it causes less water retention, but you will be pinning more often. I believe test is test but everyone says they get less bloat on prop so you may want to go for that ester.

Because hes already on and Nobody here will convince a grown man too stop whats done is done lol
goood god! 100mg+....screw that noise

I'm glad I have it for a script. 50mg will literally cause almost unbearable back pumps if I stand for 30mins.

Well in that case NO you got the good shit! Ive tried many sources and never was impressed with under 100mgs
nothing like tren for a first cycle!

Lol i ran tren at 600 first cyclw. Dont advise it greag gains though. Lol my buddy who got me the gear said first cycle u gwt thw best results and most size after thatits mediocre. Lmao i was mis guided did tren 600, test e at 750, eq 400 smh. I was a beast i grew by the week. I went from 180lbs chubby to about 195lbs leaner "not full six pack" but i estimate a 20lb muscle gain lots of fat loss. Ran that for 3 momths. Didnt run proper pct and i got alot of diminishing results.

Point being said stick to test n run a pct lol
Oh wow im a bit lost now O.O well yeah i already did started the cycle im almost 1 month and 1 week going there :$ and about the pounds dont forget im tall as i said 190 height it counts with it.

When i started the gym i was playing for 1 year fully none stop then i stooped for 3 years and im back again for 6 month without anything. When i started the cycle i saw good result with the my body but yet the muscle is not showing very well maybe i need to lose more fat and have more wight to lift?

I can keep going with the same cycle i dont mind as long as it archive a good result. I did blood work and everything was fine so far please see the attachment below maybe you guys know better ?

All what is happening now is there is some grain in the shoulder showing up that's it.

please notice i hide my info and my mobile number.. i dont want you guys to msg me saying you noob...
Sorry for the double reply, i cant edit the post for some reason. What test do you guys want me to do i can do it tomorrow and get it to see what the hell is going inside my body
How the fuck does one just walk in to a hospital and tell them to start checking? Serious question.

Ita a LAP i can do whatever test i want as long as your paying for that shit. you have the $$$ we can give you any test you want. Welcome to Dubai :D