First Cycle, Am I Ready To Start?


New member
So damn nervous, I feel like I'm ready but don't know how to explain it... It's sort of like I respect the gear so much that I turn away from it. Anyways, my first cycle I'm planning on doing was going to be 500mg of test e per week and 20-40mg dbol. I was told to do a test p, tren, mast cycle by a friend but no f***ing way am I doing that yet.
We need the information hiram is asking for to give you the best advise.

If the information hiram is asking for is in check, you can apply the following information.

While you are reading the "Sticky Section" at the top of the forum... make sure
you focus on - only running testosterone - for your first cycle.

You'll need to study this...

The - "base" - of the cycle are these 3 things.

1) Testosterone.
2) AI (Aromatase Inhibitor).
3) HCG

To recover and keep your gains - you have PCT - (Post Cycle Therapy) - this is after the cycle,
but let's start with the base.

1) Testosterone - 400-500 mg of test-e is a great place to start... as far as the testosterone.

2) AI - I prefer Aromasin (but that's just me) at 10 mg ED or 20 mg EOD... which will be fine for your AI.

3) HCG - 250iu's twice a week is good for the 400-500 mg of testosterone... this runs from
beginning of the cycle to the end of the cycle... stopping 3-4 days prior to starting PCT.

This should give you some ground to stand on as you study everything - and keep you from loosing focus.

The cycle your friend is talking about - would be the worst advise for now... next year maybe - but not now.

READ the sticky section - and ask questions that might seem confusing...

Stay active - and welcome to Ology... "your in good company!" :D
Thought I added the pic, idk what happened. This should work

5'10 176-180

Forgot to ad some stuff, I just turned 20 and I've been training for I think 3 years. No clue about my bodyfat
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Read the thread I provided.
There is a link to the young and steroids in that thread. I can regurgitate what it says but you should read it yourself.

Your actually to young to be using AAS because your endocrine system isn't done developing.


"Educate before you medicate"
Everyone is going to tell you that you are too young to Juice. If you are going to take Steroids it would be wise to run a mild cycle. 10 weeks of Test-e @ 500mg per week, could possibly get you 10-15 lbs of lean muscle if you train and eat right. If you like the results then bulk next spring by adding Deca to your cycle for even more gains. You can do whatever you want though it's your body your life just make sure you read about what you are taking before you take it. Make sure you know how to counteract all of the sides.
Thanks for all the help everyone^^^. And yeah, I knew I should wait till I'm around 24-25 but I figured I'm at a level where I could start now and maybe create a career out of it.
It's your life all we can do is make sure your understand what your getting into.

If you chose to do it educate yourself on every aspect of AAS use and how to handle sides and be prepared to be on TRT for life. There is no guarantee that once you shut down your HPTA it will restart. Its a gamble people take. Those of us on TRT don't have to sorry about restarting.
Thanks for all the help everyone^^^. And yeah, I knew I should wait till I'm around 24-25 but I figured I'm at a level where I could start now and maybe create a career out of it.

don't forget that you won't develop higher brain function. All your friends and family (around your age) will keep getting smarter as the brain develops and you won't. Who knows what business ventures, opportunities or careers you'll be missing out on for being dumber than others?

This is one of the main reasons you wait until 25. Others are the disruption to your endocrine system and the possibility of having to inject test for the rest of your life. It's a pretty big call to make from a 20 year old.

Everyone is going to tell you that you are too young to Juice. If you are going to take Steroids it would be wise to run a mild cycle. 10 weeks of Test-e @ 500mg per week, could possibly get you 10-15 lbs of lean muscle if you train and eat right. If you like the results then bulk next spring by adding Deca to your cycle for even more gains. You can do whatever you want though it's your body your life just make sure you read about what you are taking before you take it. Make sure you know how to counteract all of the sides.

10-15lbs of muscle for 10 weeks of test? Are you an idiot?
Shit takes years.
He can put on 10-15lbs of WEIGHT. Not muscle.
Thought I added the pic, idk what happened. This should work

5'10 176-180

Forgot to ad some stuff, I just turned 20 and I've been training for I think 3 years. No clue about my bodyfat
your system is not finished development till about age 25... using aas could stop and or screw up your internal development... DONT DO IT.... and dont listen to other young dummies using it young.. could end up needing teste injection every week for rest of life IMO
Thanks for all the help everyone^^^. And yeah, I knew I should wait till I'm around 24-25 but I figured I'm at a level where I could start now and maybe create a career out of it.
no offence but getting and or being big is not a hard feat IMO, an many are there... not trying to shit on anyone trying to go pro, but be realistic/logical... take a small business course if anything... let your body develop, learn over years, train with supps, and maybe you can combin your size AND skills down the road for something productive
Everyone is going to tell you that you are too young to Juice. If you are going to take Steroids it would be wise to run a mild cycle. 10 weeks of Test-e @ 500mg per week, could possibly get you 10-15 lbs of lean muscle if you train and eat right. If you like the results then bulk next spring by adding Deca to your cycle for even more gains. You can do whatever you want though it's your body your life just make sure you read about what you are taking before you take it. Make sure you know how to counteract all of the sides.

reckless and shitty advice....