First Cycle..... Beware long post


New member
First Cycle:
Age 47, Height 5'10", Currently 190 lbs. Apprx 14.5-15.5% BF. Digital Omeran at GNC read 14.1% just before I started cycle but I think it is off a bit /Shrug. I have trained off and on Since HS and a lot in the Marines. Last time in I was in REALLY Good shape was about 7 years ago when I seriously committed to P90X/Diet and finished some Pro/Am paintball. 6.5 months ago I started back up in the Gym pretty HARD. I also quit smoking and drinking at same time. I went from 164 to 184 lbs in first 4 months. A recent divorce coupled with old PTSD (Marines) left me in a pretty fucked up place but working strong now and a Friend suggested a Cycle. It helped him years ago with depression from his PTSD as well. While he has been great and seems pretty right on in knowledge I wanted to get some other perspectives.

8/5/13 will end my 6th week pin of Sostenon 250 @ 500 EW-250 on M and Th. Now I am wondering where to go from here. My Bud suggested an 8-10 cycle. I guess what I am looking for is since this is my first cycle and plan to do another: is whether I should stop here and post cycle therapy (pct) and wait to do another Cycle with Dbol added or Finish this one out longer. The reason I am thinking of cutting this short is that I am in a situation where it might be frowned upon if it was known I was doing a cycle. All in all Fxxx them but it would be better kept under wraps. FYI- I feel pretty damn good TODAY! Soooo Fxxx them again!

Last 6 weeks:
M and Th Upper body: Chest = 8 sets x 6-8 reps / Back = 8 x 6-8 / Tri. Bi, Shoulder each 4 or 5 x 6-8 depending on mood etc. About 90 sec rest periods.
Tu and Fri Lower body - legs and abs working on same principle as above with Squats, deadlifts etc.

Maintenance Calories supposedly = 2475
So I am eating about 3.2k per day. I am tracking through . Apprx 30% Protein, 45% Carbs, and 25% fat mostly Poly/Mono.
Supplement: Whey (ON) during day to reach Protein goal as needed but always immediately after workout with 5mg Creatine added. Casein (Dymatize) before bed. 2k mg Glutamine, 2k Fish oil, 50mg B-Complex. Currently taking "Cycle Assist". Nolv, Clomid, Dex, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) etc are all OTC here in CR. Put plan only Nolv 40/40/20/20 for post cycle therapy (pct) 14 days after last pin.

Lastly, I have only gained 6-7 lbs in last 6 weeks while on cycle which is weird considering the weight I put on prior or maybe not since I seem to flatten out around there. This is OK as I am not looking to get HUGE nor even overtly large too quickly. Happy with my current fitness and strength actually and I keep progressing weekly. I appear to still be losing a bit of BF as well while gaining weight slowly. A little acne with some sore joints and tendons but nothing I can't handle.

OK So all comments on Cycle, Training, Diet and post cycle therapy (pct) are much appreciated but mostly looking for immediate advise on whether to continue this cycle out and for how long if so. Also, If I do keep going and put on another 10 pounds can I start cutting if still at the end of the cycle? I would like my goal after cutting to be around 185 to 190 lbs with as little BF as possible! Sorry for the F'ing long post!

Semper Fi and thanks! DS
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Welcome to the board.

First thing, thank you for your services. And congrats on your progress.

6 Weeks of sustanon is about half of a cycle. So you'll need to continue for another 6 weeks to maximize on your gains. You should be getting good results beyond week 6 as testosterone serum would be elevated to an effective level. So my suggestion is to stay the course.

Has your buddy suggested that you use hCG and an aromatase inhibitor on this cycle? If not, I would highly recommend that you get on that immediately.

Here's a guide that will help you a little more, and make future cycles easier to plan:
Wow - Great read! Thanks for the info, I will finish up on some of the internal links in the morning. But for now I see I screwed up on or not advised on:

1. Not getting initial blood work done. I will get the mid cycle done ASAP if the info will still help with out the initial. Please advise.
2. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and arimidex: Guessing I should start ASAP? I was advised on this but told only needed if issue arose.......
3. I will plan on the 12 week cycle assuming that it is ok to start number 1 and 2 ASAP.
4. I was advised to avoid clomid due to my past depression issues. Suggestions?

Not looking to get too big. Is it ok to start my caloric deficit after/if I hit 198-200 pounds and then try and lean out my BF while still on cycle or wait till later?

Thanks! DS
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Wow - Great read! Thanks for the info, I will finish up on some of the internal links in the morning. But for now I see I screwed up on or not advised on:

1. Not getting initial blood work done. I will get the mid cycle done ASAP if the info will still help with out the initial. Please advise.
2. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and arimidex: Guessing I should start ASAP? I was advised on this but told only needed if issue arose.......
3. I will plan on the 12 week cycle assuming that it is ok to start number 1 and 2 ASAP.
4. I was advised to avoid clomid due to my past depression issues. Suggestions?

Not looking to get too big. Is it ok to start my caloric deficit after/if I hit 198-200 pounds and then try and lean out my BF while still on cycle or wait till later?

Thanks! DS

1. Yes, certainly get mid-cycle blood work to verify your estrogen is under control and your blood counts are healthy.
2. Yes, Arimidex is the easiest to obtain, so at minimum, you'll need that. Issues already arose. You'll see in blood work.
3. Not sure I understand number 3.
4. If clomid is of concern, run Toremifene instead along with Nolvadex.

If you go into a caloric deficit immediately after your cycle is completed, you'll likely lose the majority of what you've gained. The most important time to eat like a horse, is immediately post cycle.

Entertain yourself with some useful links below when time allows: