First cycle blood results


New member
About to finish up my first cycle of Test E, running 500mg week of test e for 12 weeks. On week 8 now decided to get blood work done results are:

1544ng/dl total test
440 pg/ml free test

Are these numbers where they should be for someone on a test e cycle.
What is your pinning frequency per week and when were these labs taken in relation to your last injection?

Did you check your estradiol? You may be losing a lot of your Testosterone to aromatization.

For comparison, I am on TRT and used testosterone cypionate from a pharmacy. 100mg every 3.5 days puts my trough Total Testosterone at about 1500.
I'm pinning 2x a week. 250 on sun and 250 on wed. No I didn't get my estrogen tested but I don't notice any high estrogen side effects. Basically my question is are these levels high enough to show my gear is at least real.
Sure it is "real". Unless your natty TT was 1544 and you are injecting canola oil. What was your natty TT before you started your cycle.

You can also look at youe LH and FSH. If you are in fact taking exogenous testosterone they will both pretty much be at 0.

So yes, you are probably taking real test. But it may be "watered down" compared to pharmaceutical.

Next time just get the Hormone Panel for Females (which is for men too) at Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online. it costs about $50.
I was dumb and did not get my levels tested before I started the cycle. Just curious what's the highest someone's natural test could be an the lowest test levels for a steroid user. I know it can be based on each person differently. But is there a general level to go off to indicate a steroid user.
Not sure if this completely answers your question, but normal ranges for natural testosterone in men are approximate 350-1200 ng/dl.

Did you check your LH and FSH at least with your most recent labs?

When you take exogenous testosterone your natural test production shuts down completely. That is why you have to PCT.
No I didn't get those checked I will next week. Ya I know about pct have nolva and clomid for that. And thanks that answers my question