First Cycle Ever! Cutting cycle


New member
Hello everyone so here i go My question is do you think im doing it rigth thx alot for sharing your thoughts

Heigth: 5,9 1/2
weigth: 190
BF: 15%
Metabolism Rate: Endomorph

Ive been lifting for the past 5 years to a point where i get asked if im on gear (sometimes)

my Diet is most likely the same, I eat every 3 hours, a typical day would look like this (cutting)

First meal 4 whole eggs and 3 whole wheat bread ( 28g of protein and 45g of carbs ) + mutivitamin + Fat burners and Fish oil capsule

Seco meal 6 - 7 white eggs ( some where between 20 -25 g of protein no carbs )

Third meal one protein shake 30g of protein + 52 g of cargs ( sugars ) + Creatine 5g + fat burners

Workout about 30 mins after third meal for about 2 hours , rep range ( 8 - 12 ) I work 2 muscles per day (Chest/Tri,Back/Bi,Legs/Delts) + 30 mins of cardio at end Fourth day Rest then Repeat i Supplement with 2 scoops of BCAAS during workout

Fourth meal One protein Shake 30g of protein + 52g carbs ( sugars ) + Creatine 5g + fish oil capsule

Fifth meal 2 chicken breast with a cup of broccoli + multivitamin

sixth meal Repeat meal 5

and my first cycle would be 250 ml Test-E EW 1 cc every 3 - 4 days + 80mg Anavar ED + 4 Caps of Liv 52 ED for 13 weeks
PCT Day 1 Clomid 150 mg + Nolva 60 mg
Days 2 - 10 Clomid 100 mg + Nolva 40 mg
Days 11 - 21 Clomid 50 mg + Nolva 20 mg
Days 22 - 28 Nolva 20 mg

let me know what you guys think thx alot :D
And just do test alone for your first. Save the var for run number two. It's very mild, but you still need to see how you react to one drug at a time
Agreed on the test only. Also, that would be too long to run an oral. If you are stuck on running it, save it for the last 4 weeks.
im 23 , i wanted to go anavar for its vascularity on diet + strength so you say i should i run test-e 250ml ew for 13 weeks? or more test-e for a shorter period of time?
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Consider running testE at 500mg per week. Split into a 250 mg dose every 3.5 days.
You need an AI as well. Look into arimidex or liqudex (see lion) from sponsor.
Run Test E at 500mg per week, split into TWO 250mg injections, one on Monday and one on Thursday. Be sure to read the stickies on AI and PCT!!

Good luck
23 is a bit young, and I don't recommend you do it at all, but if you're set on it then do the test at 500a week for the thirteen weeks. Make sure you have an aromitase inhibitor and a good pct plan already in hand BEFORE you start
What is your goal for this cycle?

Edit: read the title...gear not needed for cutting @ 15% bf, and 23yr old should still have a shit ton of natural test. Cut to 12% since you seem to have an idea how to diet, then run a bulking cycle if you really want to use gear IMO. Test by itself can help, especially on a caloric deficit but you aren't big enough that it's required at this point.
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What is your goal for this cycle?

Edit: read the title...gear not needed for cutting @ 15% bf, and 23yr old should still have a shit ton of natural test. Cut to 12% since you seem to have an idea how to diet, then run a bulking cycle if you really want to use gear IMO. Test by itself can help, especially on a caloric deficit but you aren't big enough that it's required at this point.

^^well stated here

Don't do a cutting cycle for a first run... unless being about 170lbs is your goal

Like said above, get to 185-190 at a lower bf% through diet, then do a nice bulk run
my goal is to maintain 180 - 190 lbs while trying to drop 15% BF to 8-9% before summer without ppl thinking that i use AAS

so u wanna drop 7% bf and stay at your current bodyweight in 4 months??? sorry bro, not gonna happen

u could possibly get down around 8-9% bf, but only if u drop 15-20lbs of bodyweight even on gear... there is no bodybuilder on the planet that maintains their bodyweight while shedding bf