First cycle ever seeking advice


New member
Hello everyone,
I'm Fred, this is my first time on this forum, seeking cycle advice.
My case is a bit complicated so please take a minute to read before you jump on the replies.

I've been on test all my life since I have hypogonadism condition, I'm now on Testoviron 250mg/4 weeks.
I'm 27 years old and I've been training for some years already, I'm 5'5" and 140 pound with around 10% bodyfat.
Laughable stats I know, but in reality being that short and with very poor genetics Im already around my max potential as a natural.
My diet has always been on point and my training either.
Im thinking about trying my first cycle and gain some more lean mass, my final goal is to be about 150/160 pounds shredded with fullness.

Can I do a first cycle with Testoviron only? Will it be any decent for gaining mass? Whats the mildest dose I can have a cycle with? 250 week?
Also what about the PCT? I dont produce any test already and I will need to stay on Test even when Im done with the cycle

Sorry for the wall of text, hope I get some nice replies,
Thanks everyone
I say go for it, but hire 3J to help you with your diet & training. I can guarantee you your diet has not been on point if your not making progress. Seriously, hire 3J for 8 weeks and just see how much diet can do... add that to a cycle and you'll blow up big time.

You could use testoviron, but it'll take forever to kick in. You'd be better off picking up some test enanthate and pinning that on top of your TRT.

You don't need to do any PCT, as your on TRT and don't/can't recover your natural HPTA function.
So, before I chime in... am I right in thinking that you inject 250mg Testoviron every 4 weeks?
Which equates to 62.5mg Test a week?

That's your TRT dose?
So, before I chime in... am I right in thinking that you inject 250mg Testoviron every 4 weeks?
Which equates to 62.5mg Test a week?

That's your TRT dose?

If so his doctor is fucking him over big time....I would run a cycle of test only. Up your dosage to 250 mg e3d and govwith that, great gains to be made there. No pct for you bud as you are already shut down.
So, before I chime in... am I right in thinking that you inject 250mg Testoviron every 4 weeks?
Which equates to 62.5mg Test a week?

That's your TRT dose?

Yes it is, they wont give me any higher than this and they say my levels are normal*
I say go for it, but hire 3J to help you with your diet & training. I can guarantee you your diet has not been on point if your not making progress. Seriously, hire 3J for 8 weeks and just see how much diet can do... add that to a cycle and you'll blow up big time.

You could use testoviron, but it'll take forever to kick in. You'd be better off picking up some test enanthate and pinning that on top of your TRT.

You don't need to do any PCT, as your on TRT and don't/can't recover your natural HPTA function.

Thanks bud, well Im actually making progress but I reached that point when Im not gonna gain any impressive amount of muscles naturally.
I will for sure get in contact with him if I jump on a cycle because I have no idea about nutrition on cycles tho!

About Testoviron, I wanna use that because I can buy the best quality one with no legal problems or whatever, the Testoviron I use is actually Test Enanthate!
Yes it is, they wont give me any higher than this and they say my levels are normal*

I'm not on trt and not very knowledgeable about it but that seems crazy low. Do you by chance have blood work you can post. A lot of guys on here are good at reading that information.
I'm not on trt and not very knowledgeable about it but that seems crazy low. Do you by chance have blood work you can post. A lot of guys on here are good at reading that information.

I do have very frequent blood works, I'll post some stuff as soon as I can find the last one I did
Testoviron is a testosterone blend of long and short acting esters - so it aint just Enanthate buddy.

It makes sense though, if you're getting it on script - to simply up the dose and make it a basic cycle.

I'd run 500mg weekly (250mg x 2) and run an AI like Arimidex alongside it.
Testoviron is a testosterone blend of long and short acting esters - so it aint just Enanthate buddy.

It makes sense though, if you're getting it on script - to simply up the dose and make it a basic cycle.

I'd run 500mg weekly (250mg x 2) and run an AI like Arimidex alongside it.

No mate, I get the enhantate only version here in Italy
500 mg seems legit to me, any chance a lower amount gonna get me results either? I wanna use as much caution as possible this first time
No mate, I get the enhantate only version here in Italy
500 mg seems legit to me, any chance a lower amount gonna get me results either? I wanna use as much caution as possible this first time

If you've had hypogonadism most your life, then it's not gonna take much to make gains.. I got on trt few years back, then bumped dosage up to 250mg every 5 days as a "cycle" and that small dose helped me put on 30 lbs
If you've had hypogonadism most your life, then it's not gonna take much to make gains.. I got on trt few years back, then bumped dosage up to 250mg every 5 days as a "cycle" and that small dose helped me put on 30 lbs

WOW thats amazing!
30 lbs would be more than enough for me at moment, did u keep the gains?
Could you give me the detailed cycle you followed mate?
WOW thats amazing!
30 lbs would be more than enough for me at moment, did u keep the gains?
Could you give me the detailed cycle you followed mate?

Of course he kept his gains bro. He's on trt and that is in the cards for you too as well. So if you do end up needing trt you will find that keeping gains is much easier than cycling off.
Of course he kept his gains bro. He's on trt and that is in the cards for you too as well. So if you do end up needing trt you will find that keeping gains is much easier than cycling off.

Sorry if my questions look dumb, I'm very new with this topic..
That sounds great btw, if you guys could give me a detailed cycle with around that dose I'll start it anyday soon