First cycle ever!

Alright well as you can see i am a NEWBEE :cool:. I have done a lot of research and I think I finally have my first cycle to work out. I always been a guy who just keeps in shape. Genetically my family is small lol. So saying that i have this cycle in my head.

1-4 week, d-bol 25mg ed,
1-6 week, test prop 100mg eod,
1-6 week, arimidex .5mg ed
8-10 week, Clomid 100mg ed

What do you guys think? should i change something. Critique all you want. This is what i came up with like i said i am a beginner and i want to take my body on a more serious change.
Man with test p , u will only begin feeling it within 2-3 weeks , which means u are only going to be training with the steroid built up in your system for 3-4 weeks ? not good , u can run test for 12 weeks . prop needes to be pinned eod and can be very harsh on someone their first time do to the ester . arimidex is good , dbol is ok , but your pct , not good . u should be starting clomid 4-5 days after your last test p shot , because prop only has a half-life of 3-4 days . and u should be running that dose of clomid for 4 weeks or 100/100/50/50
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I would say do more research. Everyone recs test only and minimum of 10weeks on test but most like 12-14
So as far as what i am reading i am seeing that i need to be on a 12 week or more cycle with this? As far a clomid i should be taking it pretty much after each shot? Guys this is helping thanks. Do you guys recommend maybe starting with other types instead of test prop?
U dont start the clomid until 4-5 days AFTER your last shot of test prop. But I would suggest test only for 10-12 weeks as they said earlier. But u really new to do more reading first. Be safe!!
You should run the cycle for only 12 weeks , then stop and start the clomid 4 days after your 12 weeks. you dont take the clomid during the cycle . ^^^
Fancyhuh101 when i was reading d-bol usually you only take that stuff for 6 weeks tops, due to the high risk of liver damage. I will be taking thistle milk. but pushing it 6 more weeks would that be dangerous? that is why originally i was just going to do 6 weeks?
What about some stats? Research, research, research... Once you feel you're ready for a cycle, research some more. Knowledge is power my brother
Fancyhuh101 when i was reading d-bol usually you only take that stuff for 6 weeks tops, due to the high risk of liver damage. I will be taking thistle milk. but pushing it 6 more weeks would that be dangerous? that is why originally i was just going to do 6 weeks?
It would be dangerous , milk thistle isnt exactly the best thing for liver protection , dont get me wrong its not bad steroids are serious . You do not need to run dbol for longer than that . Realy u only need it for 4 weeks . Reason why people use dbol in the beginning of a cycle is because it gives u a kickstart in strenght while u r waiting for the test t kick in . Test p kicks in faster than test e and c so 4 weeks of dbol should work before u gets tests effects . Dont take unnecisary health risks . U will be happy with ur gains from test only
Test is not liver toxic , it is more the oral steroid u have to worry about , running test for 12 weeks will not have any differnent effects on your liver , the oral steroids like dbol will tho . So in that sense running test is not more dangerous to run longer
If your going to do this , just make sure your post cycle therapy (pct) is realy good , and u may want to look into some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your cycle , reasearch it abit
You my friend have made me think a little more, its great stuff bro. Thanks i really appreciate it. Any recommendations on post cycle therapy (pct) besides the clomid? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i will look into to, man thanks a lot. I will post later to see if i have the cycle down to the tee.
I finished a 12 week cycle of Sustanon at 600 mg per week and got some great gains in strength and appearance. I ran adex pretty much the entire time at roughly .5 mg eod. I waited about a week after last injection, although most say to wait 2-3 weeks with sustanon, and started clomid at 100 mg per day for 2 weeks and now I am at 50 mg per day. About 7 weeks into the cycle I did notice my nuts were getting smaller and softer just like people warned me about....However, with clomid for pct I am back to normal. Be careful and good luck.
No problem , only recommendation for post cycle therapy (pct) is if u can get some nolva too . Nolva/ clomid together is a great post cycle therapy (pct) , so 4 weeks of clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 ,
I was wondering if a guy was new just to get his feet wet could a 6 week cycle of test e with a little dbol work if you eat like a monster and train like a beast or does it have to be really long cycles? 12-14 weeks is a long time. Would you get anything or just shut yourself down and fuck up your stystm.
Alright well as you can see i am a NEWBEE :cool:. I have done a lot of research and I think I finally have my first cycle to work out. I always been a guy who just keeps in shape. Genetically my family is small lol. So saying that i have this cycle in my head.

1-4 week, d-bol 25mg ed,
1-6 week, test prop 100mg eod,
1-6 week, arimidex .5mg ed
8-10 week, Clomid 100mg ed

What do you guys think? should i change something. Critique all you want. This is what i came up with like i said i am a beginner and i want to take my body on a more serious change.

Hey brother, IMO stick with a test only for your first time around. If you haven't read that on here before you haven't done enough research. So keep reading this. Figure out how ur body reacts to one compound before others are added. If your training and diet are in check, as they should be if your considering this, you will get great gains off test only. I'd look at test c or test e first instead of the prop. Eod pins could be troublesome for a first timer. Again just my opinion.

Save your money on the dbol and get another test. Shoot for 10-12 weeks. Get your bloodwork done before, during, and after your cycle to see where your levels are at. Your system will indeed change. Hope this helped. Good luck
Illest2155, sounds like great advise, if you ask me. I was doing my research and I came across some good reading and in the article it said the best advise are the ppl that have done it and or are currently using. Said the best place is to do fourms so that is why i am hearing. Everybody has been helpful!! thanks.

I thought about taking d-bol all togther and working out just with test for 12 weeks.
I personally would recomend not starting with D-bol and just go with TEST for 12 weeks. My first cycle was wildly successfull in part with the program of TEST E for 12 weeks (I extended to 14 weeks), but mostly due to the diet change and the GH.

I started my second cycle with D Bol and I hated it (bloating) that I got off it after a couple weeks. Ya I know its supposed to do that but again I did not like the feeling. I LOVE Prop and started with it this cycle as well as ending it now. I would Prop to start and end just to give you a kick as well as ending on an easier note with the post cycle therapy (pct). I firmly believe that Prop is easier to ease into the post cycle therapy (pct) then having a long esther.

Anyway good luck man!! Oh and Eating is 80% of the deal