first cycle, feedback appreciated


New member
I'm starting my first cycle in a month or so but I still haven't decided how to use what I have. I'm 21 years old and I've been working out for 3 years already. I used to be really skinny, typical hardgainer. I was 6 feet tall and 150 pounds, now after truckloads of creatine and MRPs I've grown to 6 feet 3 and 180. I'm not sure what my bodyfat is but I hardly have any fat, just a small gut from all the beer I've drank (although my muscles do look kind of soft). Anyway, here's what I have worked out so far:

week 1 : Dbol 15 mg/day
week 2 : Dbol 15 mg/day Proviron 50 mg/day
week 3 : Dbol 15 mg/day Proviron 50 mg/day
week 4 : Dbol 15 mg/day Proviron 50 mg/day Winstrol (winny) 15 mg/day
week 5 : Dbol 15 mg/day Proviron 50 mg/day Winstrol (winny) 15 mg/day
week 6 : Proviron 50 mg/day Winstrol (winny) 15 mg/day
week 7 : Proviron 50 mg/day Winstrol (winny) 15 mg/day
week 8 : Proviron 50 mg/day Winstrol (winny) 15 mg/day
week 9 : Clomid 50 mg/day
week 10 : Clomid 50 mg/day

I wanted to try Dbol to see what the gains will be like since I've been skinny all my life but ultimately my goal is to get definition and gain about 10-15 pounds of lean muscle (and keep it!).

Any comments or criticism will be extremely appreciated.
Welcome to the board !!

I'd say that you should totally forget what you have planned, in two words...."it sucks".....LOL !!

I have a feeling that you might be afraid to inject yourself, and if that's the case you're in the wrng game....:D

What I always recommend for a first cycle is either Test enanthate or Test cypionate @ 400-500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks. Start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after your last injection. Make sure you have Nolvadex on hand in case of any gyno symptoms.

Providing your diet and training are in check, you will make some nice gains.
Please don't do the cycle you planned - you'd be disappointed to say the least. You should heed StoneColdNTO's advice. There's a reason he's head moderator here, he knows his stuff!

But he must be slippin' in his old age j/k ;)
because he forgot to include this crucial bit of information:

"Until the age of 24, your body is overflowing with testosterone and growth hormone. If you can't make progress without drugs when you're still young, you need to re-evaluate a few things -- mainly your training and your supplementation. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to progress on a consistent basis without drugs. And if you can't, chances are you won't do much better with drugs. Steroids will also close the growth plates of long bones so if you haven't reached full height, steroids may prevent further skeletal
development, not to mention, they'll be shutting down your hormonal system at a time when it's reaching maturity. Don't mess with your reproductive system at this point. You're going to need it."