First Cycle For An MMA Fighter


New member
I am a 30 year old mma fighter looking to do my first cycle.

I been reading a lot of the sticky's but I was hoping anyone with experience in both performance enhancing supps and especially fighting (or endurance based sports) could gice me some feedback

My goal is to speed up recovery time and increase my power but keeping in mind that I can not afford to hurt cardio significantly. I cant put on anymore than a few extra pounds on as well.
After some research it seems that testosterone enanthate would best suit me. I was going to do an 8 week cycle, single injection a week of 250 mg....

Where on my body should I inject it?

Also what should I take to limit side effects?

Final Question, I only need one syringe right?

Any other input would be great, this is obviously all new to me. Thank you
Smily I'll take a shot at some answers.

Test only is a good move, there's a sticky with exactly what protocol and dosages and auxiliaries to run. 8 weeks is too short for a long ester, and 250 mg may be a bit weak. The sticky hits both those topics.

I use the ventroglutes, and glutes. There are guides online about where in these spots are safe, make sure you read them so you don't hit a nerve.

Sides - HCG and an AI as per the sticky, and PCT too.

For syringes you need a new one each time, best to buy a box of 100 for something like $17, and a couple boxes of 100 needles for around $7 ea. For the typical 500mg/wk cycle you could pin 1cc of 250mg/cc test twice per week - meaning you only need a 1cc syringe. Needles are your choice, something like 23g to draw, and 27g to shoot works well. I found out Nipro 27g works great to shoot but easy touch 27g sucks, like the passage is too narrow - so not all needles are equal. I like the easy touch 1cc luer lock syringes (they have a little tip on the plunger that minimizes waste), and Nipro luer lock needles.

There was another MMA fighter on one of these sites that also used test no ester pre-fight for added aggression and strength. Seems a bit unfair to me, but that's what we all want in life - an unfair advantage.