First cycle: I am on my 7th week . i want to STOP! plz help


New member
hi all!
i am running Test + deca . I finished with DBol for 4 weeks . and this is my 7th week now
I shot every 3.5 days .
I gained 12KG

I still have 3 amp's of 250 sustanon and 6 shots of Deca . i dont want to buy more tests and i wanna finish them and stop and start my PCT after one week from now .
PLUS i have no idea when should i start runing Pregnyl (hCG) 5000 IU i have 2 amp's and i can buy more .
any ideas ?

thanks all
Test sust consists of 4 esters. The longest ester in sust is Decanoate. Therefore you cannot start PCT next week.
half life of test-d is 15 days. Starting PCT next week will be pointless and waste of SERMs because test and deca will still be in your system doing it's job.
You have to wait 3 weeks after the last injecton to start PCT.
HCG should have been used on cycle. Don't use it for PCT.
Good luck.
Test sust consists of 4 esters. The longest ester in sust is Decanoate. Therefore you cannot start PCT next week.
half life of test-d is 15 days. Starting PCT next week will be pontless and waste of SERMs because test and deca will still be in your system doing it's job.
You have to wait 3 weeks after thelast injecton to start PCT.
HCG should have been used on cycle. Don't use it for PCT
Good luck.
should i start with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) this week ??? for how long and how many shots ? thanks
Finish off your amps of sust and PCT should only be started 3 weeks after your last shot of sustanon due to the esters.
Your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should have been run at 500iu /week throughout the cycle - yoou could always blast 10 days of 1000iu/day at the end of the cycle like we did in the old days I guess

Poor planning and lack of research will always end this way.
What is your PCT schedule

Beat by dexter once again lol