First cycle in 3 years - using ProGainz raw powders


New member
Hello bros,

Disclaimer: this is my first log since 2013 and I am pretty novice, please excuse my ignorance.

I ordered raw tvar and dmz powder from **** back in 2013 before DASCA ban, I know they are legit and quality is good... So I decided to give another run, this time with their 11-OXO and epiandro/andro stack.

Please let me know how this cycle looks!

Week 1-6
11-oxo 100mg/daily
epiandrosterone 300mg/daily
androsterone 300mg/daily

Week 6-10
4-andro 250mg/daily
1-andro 250mg/daily
laxogenin 100mg/daily

I am using piperine extract and DHB extract also from the same company to increase absorbion and bio availability of my prohormones.

I am thinking of using a cycle support supplement throughout the cycle but I am not too sure, ***** is out of their TUDCA powders and I am not sure if it is needed for a cycle like this.... Thoughts?
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