First cycle, just a few questions.

Screw it, i'm going to stick to d-bol only for now. How long after this cycle (6 week cycle) until I start another one?

You will need a minimum of a 3wk post cycle therapy (pct) then take another 6wks off.
Forget all that though and concentrate on making the most of this cycle, if you are dedicated and do everything right ( diet, training, post cycle therapy (pct)) you can make some good gains.
I did my 1st dbol cycle over 25yrs ago, post cycle therapy (pct) wasn't even invented lol.
I gained 18lbs in 8wks and kept a solid 10lbs.
Just picked up some d-bol(only) myself going to start it soon. Got some novadex on hand as well just in case. Do any of you guys think 20mg ed is to low of a dose

30 years old, 215lbs been traing for many years, not sure of bf% probably not as low as it should , dont want to be ripped just big.

Hey Pavehead keep us posted how the cycle is going
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pavehaed ive done dbol only before also.ull get okay results and you will lose the water at the end.but like the other guys said,adding test will give you hell of alot better gains.
test is the base of all cyles and should always be included.and why wouldnt u add test its cheap as hell anywyas lol
Heard way too many different things about what I should/nt take, so I decided to just stick with d-bol. There are a few other people here doing the same so I will tell you all about mine/their results in the coming week. One friend of mine is doing 80mg ED for the last 2 weeks and I have seen a hella nice boost in the gym both in terms of strength and stamina. I myself have added 4 pounds in the last week, water I know but whatever. Anyone want to send me a second cycle? One with Test E and a PCT, as that is what I'm planning next. I like uruk's cycle except I dont really want that much shit. Maybe test e with more d-bols and nolva for a pct?
Heard way too many different things about what I should/nt take, so I decided to just stick with d-bol. There are a few other people here doing the same so I will tell you all about mine/their results in the coming week. One friend of mine is doing 80mg ED for the last 2 weeks and I have seen a hella nice boost in the gym both in terms of strength and stamina. I myself have added 4 pounds in the last week, water I know but whatever. Anyone want to send me a second cycle? One with Test E and a PCT, as that is what I'm planning next. I like uruk's cycle except I dont really want that much shit. Maybe test e with more d-bols and nolva for a pct?

The cycle I posted is very very basic. If you don't like nolva use clomid instead, I just don't like the sides of clomid. You don't have to use aromasin, but it is highly recommended, keeps water weight down and helps with gyno issues if they show. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will keep your balls from shrinking and shutting down, so it is also recommended.

My best advice for you, don't believe what everybody tells you and when just one person out of many tell you what you want to hear, that doesn't mean they are right.
Good advice Uruk. Hopefully he will consider taking this advice.
Thanks a lot Uruk, sounds like damn good advice. I will use your cycle as my second, how long do you figure I should wait after my 6 week d-bol cycle to start that one tho? Or can I just grab all that stuff and stop taking the d-bol, like switch it up?
Let me help ya out kid...

You already got the dbol, so this sounds like its something that you're going to do one way or the other.

How much dbol do you have?

Get yourself some Test E or Test Cyp. You'll only need 10ml @ 250mg per

For 10 weeks, take 1 shot a week at 1 ML, which is 250mg of Test E per week.

This is exactly what I did for my first cycle (with 250 of EQ), and I gained 35lbs in 10 weeks.

Some people will say that Test doesnt work at that low of a dose... and I'll tell you that there is no need for those super high doses.

If you can get yoru hands on some Test, your cycle should look something like this.

Weeks 1-4 Dbol, I'll give you a dose once you tell me how much you have.
Weeks 1-10 Test E 250mgs

Weeks 12-16 post cycle therapy (pct). I use a mix of Clomid and Nolvaded.
Thanks a lot Uruk, sounds like damn good advice. I will use your cycle as my second, how long do you figure I should wait after my 6 week d-bol cycle to start that one tho? Or can I just grab all that stuff and stop taking the d-bol, like switch it up?

If you've already started, I'd finish the 6 weeks and do your post cycle therapy (pct) correctly.

Get yourself educated about aas and maybe then plan out a cycle.
If you've already started, I'd finish the 6 weeks and do your post cycle therapy (pct) correctly.

Get yourself educated about aas and maybe then plan out a cycle.

Fair enough. As for the other guy, I bought a bottle (100 pills) and I am on day 8 at 40mg ED.
I'm glad you have taken my advice and gone with dbol only, i might have been the only one to recommend it but there are thousands that have gone before you and the knowledgable dedicated ones made great gains and kept a lot of it.
Everybody bangs on about not doing a dbol only cycle and you should start with test only, trouble is i have never heard one damn good reason why and iv'e been in this game 30 years.
The advent of the internet seems to have given rise to a wealth of parrots and sheep.
Yeah u right on one thing and one thing only. The internet has definitely given a rise to wealth of parrots and sheep. Pave just make sure u do ur post cycle therapy (pct) correctly bro.
I would run a Test cycle of 500mg/wk. That should be perfect for a first cycle. If you want to do a cycle then do a cycle. You are too young, but it's your choice not the people on this forum.
Yeah u right on one thing and one thing only. The internet has definitely given a rise to wealth of parrots and sheep. Pave just make sure u do ur post cycle therapy (pct) correctly bro.

Ok mate, you obviously have far more experience than i do so i will bow to you're greater knowledge.
What would you advise for post cycle therapy (pct) then Mr fukin geniarse.
I'm out of this one, forum is full of freakin idiots who haven't got a fukin clue anyway.

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where not saying d-bol is a sh!tty ASS, i'm on d-bol and cypionate and at this third week d-bol gave me a insane gain in strenght. but at the same time its my first cycle and if i get any serious side effect i wouldnt really know on if its the test or d-bol. and since testaserone is usually in every cycle its good to know if it gives you any side effects for future future cycles. that is why everybody keep saying to go with the Test alone.