First cycle just have a couple questions


New member
Hey guys. I did some research and i got myself down to 8% bodyfat. I have the oportunity to stumble upon some tren enanthate. I was just wondering since this is first cycle would tren be to powerful and i get to harsh of sides or should i be okay as long as i dose moderately until my body gets used to it?
Tren doesn't belong in your first handful of cycles. A lil research would've got you a test only cycle with proper ancillaries and pct.
Go with test e. Check out the ology faq's thread that's at the top of the forum. Got all your questions answered there for you.
Not for your first cycle. Never run it alone. Tren will not aromatize but it will shut down your natural test production, which will crash your e2. 500mg test 12 weeks first cycle. Have an AI, hcg and your pct in hand before you start.