First Cycle + Log - Feedback Appreciated!


New member
Sup Fellas,

Ok so heres my first cycle, its pretty typical and I think well thought out. Ive spent countless hours reading and planning. While I think i have it down as its my first rodeo any feedback at any point in time would be *greatly* appreciated.

Wk 1-13 Test E 500 mg/wk (split 2x 250mg) Sunday, Wednesday
Wk 1-4 Dbol 20/25/30/30mg ed
Wk 1-13 Aromisin starting 12.5 eod, may ramp up as needed.
Wk 1-13 500ui/wk (split 2x 250 ui) Monday, Thursday

Wk15-18 Clomid 50/50/25/12.5
Wk15-20 Nolva 40/40/20/20/10/10

Age: 30
Weight: ~200 lbs
BF: ~12%
Training 12-13 years

Diet is pretty good normally but will be strictly sticking to 3J carb cycling diet during this whole process (at least).

Have everything on hand to start, will start in ~2 weeks.

Updated as per MuscleAddition's advice (which i agree with)
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Wk 1-12 Test E 500mg/wk Sunday, Wednesday...good dose for first cycle!
Wk 1-4 Dbol 20/25/30/30...start low dose to see how you respond to it, less is more!
Wk 1-12 HCG 500 iu need to blast a mild cycle, just dose it weekly.
Wk 1-12 Aromasin starting 12.5 eod, may ramp up as needed...good idea always!!!


Wk 15-18 Clomid 50/50/25/12.5 mg...taper down to be safe
Wk 15-20 Nolva 40/40/20/20/10/10 mg...same here, but run it past for 2 weeks.

I would find yourself a nice On-cycle support I use is N2 Guard from NTBM, or at least Liver supplement and start taking it 2 weeks prior to starting cycle and continue through cycle, as well as a good multi. The N2 Guard is the all in one supplement for on cycle support for your liver, kidneys, heart (blood pressure), and receptor really is a great supplement that I use anytime on cycle, or so you don't think I am pushing a specific product Google cycle support supplements and do your own comparison of them...there are many out there.

Other than that I am glad to see that you have researched and put some thought into this, but still would get your cycle support supplements on hand before starting...I would rather you do it the healthy and safe way than take any shortcuts.

Dbol is methylated, so it is toxic to the liver bro, that is why I say taper up from a low dose, see how you react because even at that low dose you will have strength increase and by the time the Test E kicks in on day 14-15, you will be seeing some good effects from both.! 1.5-2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight minimum!!! Carbs should be around 2-3 grams, clean carbs...oats, yams/sweet potatoes, brown rice, beans, Ezekiel breads, Quinoa...stuff like that. Healthy fats such as avocado, peanut butter, olive, coconut, or flax oils (Udos is a good oil to mix in with your shakes), and nuts like almonds and such. Now that I am typing this I remember you will be follwing 3J's nutrition plan...I don't know of him personally, but he is highly regarded by many here so just follow what he has laid out for you...just put my $.02 in as well.

These are just my thoughts...others can agree or disagree, but I look at it as keeping your testes working during cycle and minimize shutdown which will make PCT recovery much easier and quicker...and always protect your vital organs while only have one-two of each (2 kidneys)...protect them at all costs.

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MuuscleAddiction, thanks so much man, very valuable input. I will def get on those support supps yesterday. I will also pop the HGC as you suggested, ive been really going back and forth on that (on cycle vs blast at end).

I really appreciate taking the time to write all that.

Also diet is straight up 3J carb cycling, have diet in the works now, its a lot of food but it looks great & has all that covered!

Thanks brotha! :biggthump
MuuscleAddiction, thanks so much man, very valuable input. I will def get on those support supps yesterday. I will also pop the HGC as you suggested, ive been really going back and forth on that (on cycle vs blast at end).

I really appreciate taking the time to write all that.

Also diet is straight up 3J carb cycling, have diet in the works now, its a lot of food but it looks great & has all that covered!

Thanks brotha! :biggthump

All good bro...I will always try to help my brothers, if they listen is a different story. Let me know how things go! I sent PM back as well!
Allright... well here starts the log!

Had first injection, went incredibly well, have to say im now really glad i sprung for the good stuff, great gear love it, but bloody expensive.

Ok so heres starting stats, will be updating 2x wk with body stats and feelings etc.

By the way i picked up some life support from anibolic innovations. Using 2 days now not 2 weeks as suggested but will keep on through out cycle. Will def preload 2 weeks for future cycles.

Ok so stats:
Weight: 87.7 kg (have leaned out a bit in the last few weeks, 3j diet is helping)
Chest: 112cm
Bicep: 37cm
Stomach: 95cm
Waist: 92cm
Neck: 41.5cm
Thigh: 63cm
Calf: 40cm
Forearm: 33.5cm
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Day 4

Second pin today, went extremely smoothly again. Did break 1 glass amp though but hopefully that doesnt happen again, think i got it down now.

Feel good but pretty tired, got roped into helping a buddy move office furniture all day yesterday so took the day off today to chill & recover. No noticeable size or strength increases by now, but then again dont expect to see anything just yet.

3J diet is continuing to lean me out a bit.

Weight: 88.0 kg
Chest: 113cm
Bicep: 47cm
Stomach: 93cm
Waist: 91cm
Neck: 41.0cm
Thigh: 63cm
Calf: 39.5cm
Forearm: 33.0cm
Il be watching this closely, I'm going on the same cycle except for I'm not taking dbols. Good luck buddy.

Thanks brotha, appreciate the good will. If you have any questions about the cycle or how im going about it just post here or PM (when you get to 50). Im happy to help you out where I can!
Thanks brotha, appreciate the good will. If you have any questions about the cycle or how im going about it just post here or PM (when you get to 50). Im happy to help you out where I can!

Thanks a lot mate. I'm sure il have a few queries. Really appreciated.
Day 8

Ok Update day,

third pin last night, its pretty smooth sailing as far as breaking open the amps and doing the actual pinning. I still get a bit nervous jamming it in but in a weird way i look forward to pinning days now.

I think im starting to see some increase in muscle mass, im up about a lb or so (0.4 kg) but no major increases, im not seeing it but it must be there because people at the gym keep asking me if im taking something this week. Freaking strange.

Also no major strength increaes, weights actually feel a bit heavy this week, benching on monday was horrible i was repping sets of ~275 (120kg) which is usually no problem but i was getting 5-6 reps per 3 sets and it felt pretty damn heavy, i usually go up to 315 on training days. Had a decent leg day today but again no real noticible strength increases.

Weight: 88.1 kg
Chest: 112cm
Bicep: 37cm (typo in the last post, bicep is 37cm not 47 (i wish, maybe by the end :)))
Stomach: 91cm (lost 2cm!!)
Waist: 89cm
Neck: 41.0cm
Thigh: 63cm
Calf: 39.5cm
Forearm: 32.5cm
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Day 12

So 4th pin Sunday alls going great, still no crazy increase in weight or size (or strength) but i think its definitely kicking in, noticeable increase in vascularity and i think im starting to look a little "denser" (which is a good thing)

Weight: 88.1 kg (exact same as last measurement)
Chest: 112cm
Bicep: 37cm
Stomach: 91cm
Waist: 89cm
Neck: 41.0cm
Thigh: 64cm
Calf: 39.0cm
Forearm: 32.5cm

Also im not sure if anyones keeping up with this log (if not thats ok) but if anyone is and wants more information im happy to provide it, just let me know what would be interesting in this log and ill put it in, either a 1 time update or a week to week update, just say the word...
What's your diet like? What are you exactly eating and your macros?

Hey Bench,

Diet is a carb cycling diet from 3J. Im taking in about 3300 calories/ day and about 200-220g protein on non workout days and about 250g on workout days. Carbs get cycled high, mid, and low carb days. Theres some good articles about this method on and around the net. Its a little tough with the shopping and preparation but so far ive stuck to it 100% and i highly recommend it.

If it were up to me id post the whole diet meal for meal no problems, id be happy to share it with you. However as its from 3J and i respect the mans business i wouldnt feel right posting his work for everyone to take.

What i can tell you though is that im eating about 12-14 oz chicken per day, 6-7 oz turkey, 6oz beef, eggs. Carbs from oatmeal, sweet potatoes, beans, rice. Fats from avocados, peanut butter and olive oil. The only supplements im taking are my cycle support (as MA recommended), creatine (always), and whey protein (just post workout).

I can definitely say though that im very happy with the diet and hope to continue it long after my cycle ends. If youre looking to cycle, contact 3J, its def worth the $$!
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Sup bro reading ur log , post some pics man:)

yea... alright. I was tring to get away without this, im a little shy about posting pics on the net but I agree logs without pics arent really worth as much.

Heres pics of week 2; ill try to post pics 1x/week.
Just had 5th pin, went in ok, upon pulling the needle out i got a big squirt of blood out with it, i know i probably went through a vein on the way in but its a little freaky, not really a big deal just first experience with that, other pins went in and out smooth as can be. I aspirated though so im pretty sure the gear didnt go in a vein but now it leaves me thinking: did i pull hard enough when i aspirated? am I 100% sure i pulled long enough to double check... little PIP but noting too bad. Again no worries just first experience with it.