First Cycle + Log - Feedback Appreciated!

Just had 5th pin, went in ok, upon pulling the needle out i got a big squirt of blood out with it, i know i probably went through a vein on the way in but its a little freaky, not really a big deal just first experience with that, other pins went in and out smooth as can be. I aspirated though so im pretty sure the gear didnt go in a vein but now it leaves me thinking: did i pull hard enough when i aspirated? am I 100% sure i pulled long enough to double check... little PIP but noting too bad. Again no worries just first experience with it.

Where did you pin? Happens from time to time, just as long when you pull it out immediately put a tissue or gauze on the site and apply pressure, and always use alcohol pad or swab prior to keep it clean.
yea... alright. I was tring to get away without this, im a little shy about posting pics on the net but I agree logs without pics arent really worth as much.

Heres pics of week 2; ill try to post pics 1x/week.

Looking good bro! Keep it up, enjoy the ride but work hard!
Where did you pin? Happens from time to time, just as long when you pull it out immediately put a tissue or gauze on the site and apply pressure, and always use alcohol pad or swab prior to keep it clean.

Yo MA! Thanks for popping back in brotha, missed ya.

Im pinning only glutes, upper outer quadrant of course. Things are all good, first 4 pins were smooth as could be, besides the blood spurt i have no additional discomfort, probably just went through a vain on the way in. Bleeding stopped after maybe 1 minute no big deal.

Also damn that pic for sure makes me look like i have serious chicken legs comparatively speaking. I can assure you i train legs like a crazy sob, heavy deep squats etc. I actually made competitive powerlifting for the past 3-4 years, have a few competitions under my belt, heavy squats and deadlifts are always part of my training. Ill try to post up some addtl pics with my next set.

Thanks again for checking in, your feedback and encouragement are awesome!!
I didn't see this log until just now.

Aromasin has a short half-life and should be dosed ED not EOD (Arimidex is EOD), otherwise everything else looks good!
I didn't see this log until just now.

Aromasin has a short half-life and should be dosed ED not EOD (Arimidex is EOD), otherwise everything else looks good!

Yo Hurt, thanks for chiming in! This is something ive read and while EOD seems to be how most ppl dose it, ED seems quite a bit more logical. So what do you suggest? Split the 12.5 into ~6.25 ED or just run 12.5 ED? So far im about 2 weeks in and havent seen much bloat (at least i dont think so), so what would you recommend?
Hi All,

Sorry for being MIA, been busy and all blah blah blah, no excuse. Well havent posted in about a week but for sure havent slacked on the eating and training.

Heres week 3 (completed) stats and pics. Feel great, visually happy with my progress but a little disappointed i havent put on any weight or size as far as measurements go.

Also i switched the aromisin to 10mg (.4ml) ED, so far no sides. Other than that nothing really interesting to report, eating, training, sleeping all solid, no sides, carrying on and hoping things ramp up a bit.

Weight: 88.3 kg
Chest: 112cm
Bicep: 36.5cm
Stomach: 91cm
Waist: 88cm
Neck: 41.0cm
Thigh: 64cm
Calf: 39.0cm
Forearm: 32.5cm

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