first cycle log


New member
starts tomorrow

29 yo
195 lbs
5 years of cycling

500mgs (weekly) test e
400mgs (weekly) deca
75mgs tren a ed
nolva/clomid pct

250 grs protien ed
3500 cal ed

out of the gym 8 months now. 2nd month back in preparation for this cycle, worked hard on geting my BF down. its not where it needs to be but whatever

let me know what you guys think
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first injection went smooth. no tren cough or near death experiences and nothing really exciting to note. will try my best to grace this thread with the best of my articulating ability but as of nothing!
I am not diggin on you at all.
Are stats are identical except I am a few years older than you. I look bigger than you though. How tall are you?
I think your cycle looks solid especially since you haven't run one in awhile. Your going to love the Tren. I wouldn't push it past 4-5 weeks though.
I would recommend adding some Kre-Alkalyn in with your daily protein/supplement intake. It sold me after just running it a week.
Hit some DC style training during your Tren Weeks also.
Good luck.

Also have you started your test shots yet? The test is going to take a bit to kick in and you don't want the Tren to effect your libido. One suggestion is run Test P 100 EOD with the Tren.
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Cpesloco said:
I am not diggin on you at all.
Are stats are identical except I am a few years older than you. I look bigger than you though. How tall are you?
I think your cycle looks solid especially since you haven't run one in awhile. Your going to love the Tren. I wouldn't push it past 4-5 weeks though.
I would recommend adding some Kre-Alkalyn in with your daily protein/supplement intake. It sold me after just running it a week.
Hit some DC style training during your Tren Weeks also.
Good luck.

Also have you started your test shots yet? The test is going to take a bit to kick in and you don't want the Tren to effect your libido. One suggestion is run Test P 100 EOD with the Tren.

im running tren 6 weeks, thats if i can handle it. i usually bail out early bc of sides.

im 5'11''

ill keep the prop in mind, appreciate the input Cpesloco

Kre-Alkalyn?? never heard of it
some issues with the tren cough but nothing serious

laying out of the gym for the till monday.

Monday: chest,tries,abbs
week 1

killed in the gym today

strength is already way up. and also up 4 lbs, scaled out at 199. love tren!!
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mattd46612 said:
What are you doing for diet?

diets clean, protien/calorie/carb intake is rufly 75% meals. the rest comes via a shaker. ill give a break down of entire diet later in the log

my diets much stronger this year then its been in previous cycles.
day 2


i felt great going in but once i got started i ran out of gas quickly. shortness of breath was culprit. phenomenal pumps today. so much so they actually started to hurt. especially in the back region


desturbing nightmares- had a dream i was still married to my ex, fucking horrible!! scared the shit of me. woke up sweating balls

anxiety-not severe but i can feel it creeping in

desided to drop the deca. just dont see a use for it at this juncture. i think ill grow fine w/out it....