First cycle need advice


New member
Ok So I have been trainning for 3 years.Diet is really strict and looking to take it to the next level.The goal of my cycle is to bulk clean without adding on too much fat and water as summer is approaching.
Stat:23 years old.5.7" 155lb 8-9% body fat

Cycle :

Week 1-12 Wildcat Testenan (Testosterone Enanthate) 20ml 250mg/ml 500mg pw
Week 1-12 proviron 50mg ed
Week 1-13 0.25mg Arimidex eod
Week 3-13 1000iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ew

PCT (3 weeks after last jab)

Week 15-18 Clomid 50/50/50/50
Week 15-18 Nolva 20/20/20/20

But I do have a few things need to clear out

1) The test e will probably take a few weeks to kick in.I might add in dbol for a kick start for 4 weeks but will dbol make me bloated?I want to keep water weight at a minimum and do I have to run anything on the side if i decide to take dbol?
2) Syringes and pins confuses me a lot.Im planning on jabbing on the glutes.Withdrawing and inject with the same type of pins.Not sure if what i have in mind is suitable.
(Im based in the uk)

For Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I will do one shot of 1000iu pw.Is it ok to do it at the same time with the test jab?
Also not sure if this kind of insulin pin are suitable?

3)I have some prochem Anavar (var) sitting around.Is there much point to add them in from day 1 with a dose of 50-75mg ed for 4-6 weeks to mimic fat gain and possible add in a little extra strength.How does it compare with dbol?

Thanks for the help!!
Thanks for the help!!

for the test e ill just be injecting 2ml once every week.will i still get scar tissue for that?
on the other hand I am really not sure if I should run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) through out the cycle some say its makes pct more effective and keeps your balls from shrinking
Metalhead - yes I have enough test on hand just stating what kind of stuff im going to use
just making sure you have enough. I would inject 1ml twice a weeklike sunday, wednesday to keep your blood levels stable. i wouldnt worry about dcar tissue until you start a short ester cycle where youre pinning eod. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a personal choice honestly, especially with test only, but it does keep them full throughout
is this your 1st cycle bro? because if it is theres no need for a kicker just let the test do what it does so you know how you react to it. if its not your 1st go then Tbol would be a better kicker then dbol in your case as you are worried about bloat. Anavar (var) could work as well since you already have some, but i personally like Anavar (var) at the end to harden up
oh and pct should be 2 weeks after last pin not 3 for test e. also run the nolva 40/40/20/20 and your clomid is fine where its at
Thanks bigkit!!!

Yes this is going to be my first cycle.
For the Anavar (var) im planning to run it for 6 weeks at about 50-75mg this a sensible time and dosage?

Also for my post cycle therapy (pct) as im still doing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a week after my last jab (week 13), does not mean i start my post cycle therapy (pct) a week after my last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot?

being cycle number 1 then i would wait till the end for the Anavar (var) . that way you'll know how your supposed to feel from test which is the base of all AAS. Anavar (var) at the end will really help you solidify your gains and harden up at the end. run the test just like you planned and add the Anavar (var) in at wk 8. you can stop the Anavar (var) after 4 weeks when your done the test, but i'd recommend taking it till wk 14 right up until pct
sorry forgot to answer your other question. the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast you plan on doing after your test doesn't push your pct back its 2 weeks from your last shot of TEST. good luck bro