First cycle.. need help on useage and advice


New member
This is my first attempt at take a steriod its hard to find answers on this topic so i am turning here, If taking Anadrol 50 mg. tabs its recommended taking it twicw a day once in the Am and once in the PM. for 6 weeks. Then i believe you take Deca. could i take an oral version of deca ? say deca 200mgs. ?
If so when and how would i take these and would this help me gain and keep my size ?
Thanks for you input

You need to read the stickies at the top of the page. You haven't a clue on what you are doing. You need to start from scratch and start researching before you even think about AAS.

All this information is on this site. Why is it hard for you to find answers on this?? The answer if because you have done ZERO research.
Are you afraid of needles? If yes stop being a pussy and man up. There is no reason why your cycle should not include test. You did not do enough research. Get some testosterone C/E and forget all that other trash an AI and proper pct. Oral deca?! Wtf are you thinking bud.
Are you afraid of needles? If yes stop being a pussy and man up. There is no reason why your cycle should not include test. You did not do enough research. Get some testosterone C/E and forget all that other trash an AI and proper pct. Oral deca?! Wtf are you thinking bud.

check it out.. If i know all the answers i wouldn't need help. did i do reach ya but can't make heads or tials out of it. and on this topic it hard to talk to people about maybe choice was wrong (sounds like it is) Im not afriad of needles just don't know what to get and how to use it with out killing my ass.
So what are the recommendations ?

Test E 500 mgs week 1-12
Arimidex .5 mg EOD
Hcg 500 iu WK 6-12
Clomid and nolva pct (look at dosages on sticky as they start high then go low for clomid and nolva.)
Fine try .25 EOD to start. I convert test to estro at a scary rate just remember to adjust accordingly.

Well i just ate a big piece of humble pie and it was hard to swallow and apparently i didn't know what the F**K i was talking about or doing. Ive been working out for like two years and really haven't got the size i wanted, so Ive been toying with the idea of doing a cycle for awhile so this isn't something i just woke up and decided to do.
Like i said i don't feel comfortable talking to people at the gym about roids, so with that being said Tury thanks for the advice, but where would i get this and how and when do i take it. if i had like a shuedule and stuff im sure i would be fine, i know its alot to ask but dont know where to turn.


Well i just ate a big piece of humble pie and it was hard to swallow and apparently i didn't know what the F**K i was talking about or doing. Ive been working out for like two years and really haven't got the size i wanted, so Ive been toying with the idea of doing a cycle for awhile so this isn't something i just woke up and decided to do.
Like i said i don't feel comfortable talking to people at the gym about roids, so with that being said Tury thanks for the advice, but where would i get this and how and when do i take it. if i had like a shuedule and stuff im sure i would be fine, i know its alot to ask but dont know where to turn.



If you've only been training 2 years, in all honesty you are probably not even close to being ready. Also, no one here can give you a source for gear. It's against the rules. I bet your diet needs ALOT of help, as does your training intensity and regiment