First cycle - not gaining anymore weight - plateau? Doing something wrong?


New member
Hi. I'm 47 5 11 and started my first cycle st 202. I am doing 600 test e and 400 ew per week. Made nice gains initially. Hit 215 about 8 weeks in. Now at week 11 I hover at 213. I've been downing 3000 + lean calories. The past 3 days I've gone over 4000 and I weigh less every day. Any suggestions? Has my cycle run it's course already? Am I missing any fundamentals here. Getting frustrated. Thanks for any advice!
Have you changed anything, such as your AI dose? It could be changes in water weight.

Are you getting stronger?
Definitely stronger and thicker. Tried upping the calories to near 4000. I think maybe I need better hydration and should have been more careful of tracking my calories from the beginning. I was hoping for 15 to 20 lbs. was I unrealistic? Thanks for the help!
I lean out on 3000 lean cals when on cycle and I am only 190'ish at 5'9". I am 46 yrs old.
You need to eat more if you want to keep gaining.
Definitely stronger and thicker. Tried upping the calories to near 4000. I think maybe I need better hydration and should have been more careful of tracking my calories from the beginning. I was hoping for 15 to 20 lbs. was I unrealistic? Thanks for the help!
I think 10+ good pounds is a good gain. Especially at your age, ol'timer.
Please don't slam the newbie. No AI. Have nolva and clomid for PCT.

Good chance that a lot of your "gains" are water weight. Your estradiol is elevated as the testosterone is aromatizing. Estradiol makes you retain more water.

Get going on the AI (Arimidex or aromasin) if you want to avoid this and things like gynecomastia. Gyno doesn't care if you are a newbie or not.
I'm in the same range as you. Gained 10lbs this 2nd cycle and I'm close to your age. I'm leaning out more and gaining more definition but weight has peaked. Your not alone.