First Cycle - Opinions?


New member
I'm going to do my best not to waste time for you folks here. This is my first cycle, so I'm trying to keep it simple. I was originally 300 lbs @ 14, dropped to 168 lbs, and grew to 205. I'm not 110% sure about my body fat, because of the lost weight I have a little bit of loose skin. I've already gone through surgeries to remove some of the skin on my abdomen, and had gyno surgery because of past gyno problems. The body fat measurement was an estimate from my physician.

Height: 6'3
Weight: 205
BF: 15% (give or take)
Training: 9 years (5 years seriously)

Goals: Cutting down into single digit body fat while preserving muscle.

Calories: 1950-2300
Fat: 100 or less (I aim for 50-75, f**king tuna..)
Carbs: 300 or less
Protein: 215g +

Test E: Weeks 1-12 (500mg/week)
Anavar: Weeks 6-12 (60-80 mg/day)
Aromasin Weeks 1-17 (12.5-25 mg through PCT)
HCG: Weeks 10-12 (1500iu/week - 500iu/3x week)

Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 20/20/10/10/10/10
Aromasin: 12.5-25mg (through the end of PCT)

Cheers guys, I appreciate the feedback.
Everything looks good just make sure your diet is in check since it's the most important factor and achieving the goals you desire. Any reason why your running nolva for 6 weeks?
you could probably get by just fine with only clomid on your post cycle therapy (pct). if u wanna add nolva , dat be cool too haha.