First cycle PCT help!! test e


New member
Hey guys

I probably sound like a idiot here but I have done my research on pct but I rather get advice from you guys

Planning on running 500mg of test e a week (250ml X 2) for 10 weeks

I have arimdex on hand planning on taking it during my cycle .25mg ED

And I also do have clomid for after my last poke

Week 1: Clomid 150mg per day
Week 2: Clomid 150mg per day
Week 3: Clomid 100mg per day
Week 4: Clomid 100mg per day
Week 5: Clomid 50mg per day
(got dosage online)

Just wondering if Nolva is necessary to take to if i'm already running those 2

My biggest concern is estrogen build up

Another thing was I wanted to add a oral to my cycle. My goal is to get shredded and lean as f**k with the right diet of course. Any suggestions?
looks fine... begin the clomid 3 weeks after last pin of test, adding in 20-30mg of nolvadex per day with the clomid will only help
Good advice on adding the nolva to PCT and timing for starting PCT. ^^^^

I would start Adex at .25mg EOD. You don't want to crash your E2. Get blood work mid-cycle to see where your E2 is at and adjust dosage as necessary.

You should run hCG on cycle too.

Don't run an Oral during your first cycle. Just test. Save it for the next cycle.

Those clomid doses look too high.

Don't run the hCG or Adex during PCT. Just the clomid and nolva.
Yeah I was thinking the clomid looks a little high as well! Keep in mind clomid can give you some mental side effects and also effect vision (which generally ceases upon use).

Its best to keep this drug on the lower end if possible. Maybe 100/100/50/50 will work a little better for you? It would be interesting to do a study on dosages for bodybuilders. Here's a government study using just 25mg:
You've chose to cycle at 155lbs... ugh I won't start, whatever really.

I'd recommend Arimidex @ 0.25 EOD considering your Test dose, adjust accordingly as you go. (You may need to up to 0.50 EOD, you may not, check bloods)

Your Clomid dose, as Megatron advised is quite high and especially lengthy at that dose.

I recommend your PCT to look like:
Nolvadex: 40/20/20/20
Clomid: 100/50/50/50

Do not use hCG during PCT.

Grow Ectomorph grow!