First cycle (pinnacle)

Lab Rat

Starting weight:182
Serious lifting experience: 6 years
Bench: 315x3
Squat: 415x5

Gear: 500 mg test e split into 2 pins every week
25 mg dbol weeks 1-4
Aromasin 12.5 mg Ed
Pct : clomid, and nolva plus hcg blast
I've done two pins so far first went smoothly in right glute (3 cc 1in 25g) the second one today worried me a little because I accidentally started to slide out a little early. Still no leaked oil just a little blood. As far as the dbol I'm already up to 187 in four days, I'm sure it's water but still don't look bloated. I can post pics if you'd like.
I would up the d-bol to 40-50 now you know your not going to get a bad reaction from it. Post pics of now so you can compare them to when your off cycle. good luck mate, av a good un :D
I'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow when I have another set of hands to take some pics and should I split the dbol dose up I have 25 mg caps
That dbol is powerful! a first timer has no need to go above 25mg of pinns dbol ed IMO! weaker stuff sure go 50 the first time but not with this stuff ;)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If zeek says its too powerful for 50mg then stick with 25 mg. My last dbol was unigen and I needed to up it.

No not too powerful bro, just probably too much for a first timer to run 50 of pinns dbol. Run 50 of pinns dbol for the first time and you may need 100 of the other guys dbol to get the same results again.

Pinns dbol remind sme a lot of the jelfa dbols, a little was a lot!!

Kind of funny when you actually spend the bread needed for quality raws and never play the under dose game the kind of things that are possible from just a little of many compounds!
No not too powerful bro, just probably too much for a first timer to run 50 of pinns dbol. Run 50 of pinns dbol for the first time and you may need 100 of the other guys dbol to get the same results again.

Pinns dbol remind sme a lot of the jelfa dbols, a little was a lot!!

Kind of funny when you actually spend the bread needed for quality raws and never play the under dose game the kind of things that are possible from just a little of many compounds!
I hear ya bro. I think every lab should take a leaf out of the quality raws book. would make this game alot easier trust wise.
So I think I'm gonna have to listen to zeek on the dbol dosage, lol I took 50 Mgs today and after I worked out I came home and Paced through my house naked flexing in every mirror over and over blasting music. My pumps and strength were through the roof but now that I've "come down" so to speak I just feel like sleeping for days.
Yeah I'm running it through post cycle therapy (pct). that's ok right? Please flood me with knowledge

ive heard both to do it and to not. thats why im asking to try and find out what different people are doing. i dont think you have to run it, but im not totally sure, researching myself right now
So I think I'm gonna have to listen to zeek on the dbol dosage, lol I took 50 Mgs today and after I worked out I came home and Paced through my house naked flexing in every mirror over and over blasting music. My pumps and strength were through the roof but now that I've "come down" so to speak I just feel like sleeping for days.
i heard pinn was good but raving it up in your house naked good is just a whole nuther level.
Never had any other experience with any thing other than pinnicle. I'm running my first cycle at 500mg/week and started seeing the results without question at the end of week 3. (Now starting wk 5). Just amazing shit, I'm glad I opted not to do the d-bol kickstart with this first cycle.
God...I know if I throw d-bol in my second cycle I'm gonna be a fking monster. I'm gonna have to come up with some excuses of why I'm gonna be throwing on 20+pounds of muscle in a matter of weeks=only downside. Alot of raised eyebrows. I'm just skating by now telling everyone I'm powerlifting and "bulk" dieting.
Yeah man no need to up the dose on the dbol especially PL dbol haha. Good luck man, sounds like your going to have ur self a great cycle. U def are lucky to be using PL for ur first cycle, enjoy it bro!
Hey guys really sorry about not updating, I've just been feeling really lazy lately, it sucks I just want to bone, sleep, and eat. Is my lack of energy due to the estrogen? I've bumped the aromasin to 25 Ed but still am very sleepy, but I know it isn't too much aromasin because my nips were sensitive at 12.5. Any suggestions?
And on to the good news:
- I'm up 15 pounds in under two weeks
- I feel like poking EVERYTHING
- strength wise I feel like there is no weight I can't conquer
- I'm eating like a horse

So when should I expect this test e train to be moving full speed? I can tell its kicked in as stated above and my skin is crazy oily but when will it be peaked? 4-5 weeks is the answer I've seen multiple times before but I'm curious to see what you guys have experienced.

Oh and any other pin site suggestions? I'm getting tired of my glutes hurting.