^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If zeek says its too powerful for 50mg then stick with 25 mg. My last dbol was unigen and I needed to up it.
I hear ya bro. I think every lab should take a leaf out of the quality raws book. would make this game alot easier trust wise.No not too powerful bro, just probably too much for a first timer to run 50 of pinns dbol. Run 50 of pinns dbol for the first time and you may need 100 of the other guys dbol to get the same results again.
Pinns dbol remind sme a lot of the jelfa dbols, a little was a lot!!
Kind of funny when you actually spend the bread needed for quality raws and never play the under dose game the kind of things that are possible from just a little of many compounds!
Yeah I'm running it through post cycle therapy (pct). that's ok right? Please flood me with knowledge
i heard pinn was good but raving it up in your house naked good is just a whole nuther level.So I think I'm gonna have to listen to zeek on the dbol dosage, lol I took 50 Mgs today and after I worked out I came home and Paced through my house naked flexing in every mirror over and over blasting music. My pumps and strength were through the roof but now that I've "come down" so to speak I just feel like sleeping for days.