First cycle post cycle therapy (pct) help


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First cycle PCT help

Hey guys. I plan to start my first cycle in February. I’ll be running Test E for 12 weeks as it seems that is the general consensus as to the best first cycle. I need some help with my post cycle therapy (pct). I was wondering what’s the best PCT cycle to run coming off a Test E cycle? Someone I know (who has a HUGE ego) gave me the following recommendation but I would rather have you guys analyze it because he’s kind of a know-it-all. Please let me know what adjustments I should make. Thanks a lot.
Length: 5 weeks

220 lbs
10% BF
Been working out off and on for the last six years

Weeks 1-4- 40 mg GP Nolva per day
Weeks 1-4 100mg GP Clomiphene per day
Weeks 1-5 1mg GP Anastrozole per day
Week 1- 4,500 iu HCG
Week 2- 3,000 iu HCG
Week 3- 1,500 iu HCG
not to judge but that is kind of a contradiction of a post cycle therapy (pct). he's got you running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Hcg for PCT which most people will agree is not advisable. the goal of PCT is to get our natty test levels back up to optimal, and keep as much of our gains as possible. I personally like "swale protocol" (search the forum for it) or for such a light first cycle you could probably get away just 40mg/day of nolva for weeks 1&2 and 20mg/day for weeks 3&4. there's alot of opinion and preference when it comes to PCT especially in regard to HCG but I think just nolva should be fine for you after your first cycle. just my opinion
First of all, theres no specific PCT for a specific cycle. No matter what cycle, PCT is always the same.

And you did a good job to second guess the advice you got cause theres a lot wrong with it.

I would only take 100mg of Clomid the first week, then go down to 50. Same with the Nolva, start at 50 or 60 and take off 10mg per week. But that has a lot to do with personal preference. I personally cant stand Clomid, makes me feel like a woman, so I try and keep it short and painfull.

Now the most importnant part. The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). The advice you got is completly wrong.
Granted there is some arguing whether or not it should be taken during or after your cycle, but I can asure you it needs to be taken DURING the cycle!

HCG can aromatase and may easily cause gyno during post cycle therapy (pct). It can do more bad than good during PCT for a bunch of reasons. I'm not going into detail, there is a lot of info about it in this forum and elsewhere. Just read it up.

HCG should be started during the cycle, preferable during the last 3 weeks to get your testicles back to normal size for the PCT time. Its best you kick start with a shot of 1000 - 1500UI and then add 500IU every 3th day or so, depending on how much you need and how feel on it. Some guys get a lot of estro while taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), its importnant you find the right dose for YOURSELF.
As time goes on, injections become less frequent and by the time PCT kicks in, your jewels should be almost fully recovered. This is the best approach in my opinion.

Now as a general advice to you, READ READ READ. The best advice you can get is your own. There is so much info out there.

Good luck with your cycle