First Cycle Progress 3rd Week in


New member
I am in my third week of my first cycle. I realize I will probably get the link to beginners cycle sticky, but I feel the need to share.

I am running 300 test once a week. First week went on a lot of nerves, 2nd shot went a little crazy, I believe I went too low and swelled pretty bad as the oil moved around . I did the third in my glute and I am in the 2nd day and it isn't even red.

I have a little paranoia about my nipple tenderness, and I didn't get armidex since I wasn't running a high does of test. I have plenty of nova and I have read it can help as an AI. Do you guys think it will help?

I have felt strength gains, increased sex drive, and overall aggressiveness in he gym so I am happy so far. And from what I hear the pot of gold sits in the weeks to come.
so you are running 300mg once a week??

1. cyp or e should be ran twice a week 3.5 days apart...
2. 300mg is only taking your levels moderately higher than your natural levels.. if youre going to shut your body down you might as well do a recommended minimum dosage.. which is 400mg
3. get an ai asap.. run 20mg nolva til you do... your estrogen is already high and will only get higher.. running 300mg once a week only gives you a higher peak value in the week.. and your levels do not stabilize well..

4. you started a cycle without doing the proper research.. you should have had all your compounds in your hand before you started.. you make the n00bie mistake.. educate before you medicate..

good luck!!
Should I up my test to 400-500? I can probably get another bottle if I need to?
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Should I up my test to 400-500? I can probably get another bottle if I need to?

the minimum is 400... so if you want to do a moderate cycle for your first run 400 is fine. 500 is the standard for first cycles..
Ya if you go to 400-500 then start off with at least .25 of Adex EOD, then adjust if needed. The adex will also help with blood pressure a little bit, not a lot, but it does help.

How many weeks are you going, if you go 12 weeks, then 3 bottles should do it, that's if you are going to go up higher in dose.