Ok, In my first cycle I am going to use dbol 25 or 30mgs for 4 weeks and omna's at 500mgs for 10 weeks. The problem is I was gonna add deca at 400mgs a week or EQ at the same but now may be getting a federal job in a few months and will be drug tested. Not sure if they test for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and wondering if 400mgs of deca or eq will yield much better results if i take it for 10 weeks along with the Sustanon (sust). Should i or should i not add the deca or eq?
The point is will i see a huge difference by adding it. I am 6'0 215 pounds maybe 12-13% bodyfat. thanks all
The point is will i see a huge difference by adding it. I am 6'0 215 pounds maybe 12-13% bodyfat. thanks all