First cycle - Sust250 + tbol + proviron. Need some feedback


New member
I am 30 year old, 6 feet, 190 lbs and not sure what my body fat % is.

This is my first ever cycle and got recommended to me by a professional at these exact doses:

sust 250 - 1 cc twice a week
tbol - 30 mg every day
proviron - picking it up today.

What is your opinion on all these ? I ve read that sust 250 is a bad compound to use for first time user ? Also read that 30 mg of t bol will do absolutely nothing ?
any feed back would be appreciated.
by the way I train about 6 days a week , weights and cardio.
Thank You
The feedback is truly amazing thanks guy. I truly feel like an idiot now that blew $(***** on a cycle that's complete garbage and was recommended to me by someone that won Mr. ***** numerous times and who said "Trust me bro stick to what I tell you and you will see big results". "That's the worst cycle I ever heard of".... May I ask why ?? I ve seen a shit ton of posts where people stack sust and d or t bol, and seen many posts regarding taking proviron when taking sust. Shed some light on all this for me please.
I am 30 year old, 6 feet, 190 lbs and not sure what my body fat % is.

This is my first ever cycle and got recommended to me by a professional at these exact doses:

sust 250 - 1 cc twice a week
tbol - 30 mg every day
proviron - picking it up today.

What is your opinion on all these ? I ve read that sust 250 is a bad compound to use for first time [/U]user ? Also read that 30 mg of t bol will do absolutely nothing ?
any feed back would be appreciated.
by the way I train about 6 days a week , weights and cardio.
Thank You

Ok I would like to know your Goals and some history. How long have you been training seriously?

Both me and Appleton reiterated what you even said and Sust isn't for the firs timer. Sust should be injected EOD not just twice a week and you don't need all those injections. Test "E" would be better.

Tbol can be used as a kicker and you are wrong about doing it nothing. If you wanted a kick start just use Test "P" but there again EOD for 4 weeks.

Proviron is a finishing compound and is not necessary unless getting ready for a show or some event like summer beach much like Winstrol. For a first cycle it is NOT needed. You didn't give us dose or frequency for the Proviron ? Proviron is an oral as is T-bol and orals are not recommended for just haphazard use due to being very harsh on your liver. First cycle why when both are for specific use to a BB.

As said if he is a Pro he has lost his knowledge of first time users.

You are changing you hormone balance and this will be a bit of a shock to your body but acceptable and not harsh to a first timer so that is why we recommend just 2 injections WK and Test "E"

Just keep it simple and do Test "E" or "C" get your diet right w/ calories and train hard. Keep the other compounds for future.

But again if you are looking for mass leave the others for later.

YOu need to learn more and read up on the steroid profiles. Let you body get acquainted with Test so later on it will recognize the other attributes of other compounds.

Good Luck
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