first cycle Sustanon 300.. need help on getting started

So if I want to lean out increase my stamina speed and strength u suggest I stack with Dbol first 4 weeks?
Where is the easiest place to inject?

Just test on your first cycle.

Quads and delts. Glutes if you are flexible. I like ventroglutes too. Read more on the forum. Lots of threads on bow and where to pin.
Ok yeah im starting to learn more about using steroids.
Still have a few questions on the steroid profiles it suggested I take Hcg after the cycle also to take AI during cycle and anti estrogen 3 weeks after last pin.
How many times a week u suggest I pin?
I wqs trying to do 500mg as I read in a lot of these threads. Twice a week 250mg each time
How many times a week u suggest I pin?
I wqs trying to do 500mg as I read in a lot of these threads. Twice a week 250mg each time

Go back two posts of mine in this thread. I suggested there how often you pin Sustanton. I put a suggestion in there for HCG as well. Don't take HCG while doing PCT. HCG is suppressive to your HPTA.

Let's not use the term Anti-Estrogen. There are aromatase inhibitors and there are SERMs.
Ok yeah EOD.. hmm ok so I read take hcg about week 3-12
Alright I'm Tracking. . So you think taking my AI week 1 is a good idea? Also if im trying to lean out cut how many calories a day should I intake?
I am Not squared away on my blood test. What's the reason for that?
What's a good PCT u suggest ? I should start week 16?
LC: I don't mind helping you, nor do the other guys here; but you need to do some homework. We are not here to spoon feed you. Read the stickies. Read them again. Read threads other guys have posted. Do you really think you are the first guy to come here and ask how to run a first cycle? We will all be a lot more inclined to help you when we can see that you are putting some effort in. Literally, you need to spend weeks, if not months, reading on your own. Then start asking about how to out your cycle together.

P.S. There is some contradictory info out there. Some things change over time. Or there are different philosophies on things. But the more you read the more you will be able to distinguish these. Then we can discuss them and you can decide what will work best for you.
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