FIRST CYCLE...Test E & Dbol


New member
So I started my first cycle today.

Current stats - 5'7 157 lbs. 8.5% BF
Been training for 10 + yrs. Have always been lean. Diet is very good. Eat 6-7 meals a day. Consuming roughly 3300 kclas/day. Break down is 30% P, 30% F, 40% C. Remember these are rough estimates but pretty close.

My cycle--

Weeks 1-4 GP D-Bol 10 40 mg/day
Weeks 1-10 GP 500mg Test Cyp/week -Mond-Thursday inject
Have Arimidex on hand in case of sides.

As for PCT...14 days after last injection

Clomid @ 50mg/day
Aromasin @ 25mg/day

Took d-bol 1 hour before gym. Hit chest. Didn't feel any different but that was expected as it is only day one.

Pinned myself afterwards....using a 25g 1.5 pin. Aspirated a bit of blood the first stick so I replaced the needle and stuck again. Smooth as butter little blood. No pain at all.

Diet today was good. Finished up with 3200kcals.

Off to bed. Ready to hit it hard agian tomorrow
Day 2 in the books. Thigh is sore as shit from the pin! Walked on the treadmill for 10 mins to loosen it up. Feeling better now. Hit back tonight. Went pretty heavy, felt strong but nothing out of the ordinary. been readin threads on here. Guessing i should start to feel a difference by the end of the week?

As for the weight gain....for those that gain so much so early; do you visually notice it or just on the scale? Probab all water too right?
yeah usually and you start to eat a shit load more just bc of the hype and anticipation should feel the dbol doing it's job pretty soon first strength than size a lot is water though but the pumps are fucking killer. I STRONGLY suggest taking a joint supplement fish oil at least. Strength and numbers go way up but tendons take longer to catch up this is how i injured myself and cant push as much as I can right now. Good luck with it your gona love it same cycle as mine, you'll blow up w. your weight.
ill be following bro. the GP dbol is strong man and you're a relatively small guy..i'd suggest doing 30mg the first week and going from there. just my two cents. good luck along the way. you should see great gains!!
yeah usually and you start to eat a shit load more just bc of the hype and anticipation should feel the dbol doing it's job pretty soon first strength than size a lot is water though but the pumps are fucking killer. I STRONGLY suggest taking a joint supplement fish oil at least. Strength and numbers go way up but tendons take longer to catch up this is how i injured myself and cant push as much as I can right now. Good luck with it your gona love it same cycle as mine, you'll blow up w. your weight.

Yeah. I have definitely increased my food intake. Even though I have been pretty consistent with a 3500 kcal daily diet for the past several months I found myself blasting through more food. On average anywhere between 500-700 more a day. Good idea with the fish oil. Although I am eating either salmon or cod eod to get the oil natural. You think I should still suplement?

ill be following bro. the GP dbol is strong man and you're a relatively small guy..i'd suggest doing 30mg the first week and going from there. just my two cents. good luck along the way. you should see great gains!!

I'll probably keep it at 40 mg since that is what I started at. Guess there is no point in increasing just because I have plenty of tabs.
So I've been hitting it hard the past couple days but each time I come to post the wife starts coming around. She has no idea so I haven't gotten the chance to finish.

First off, my thigh hurt like a mofo on wednesday. I was a bit worried I would hav trouble with squats on Thursday. I know..sound like a pussy don't I.

Wed was a great day at the gym. Hit up bis and tris and I tell you I had the best fucking pump i've had in a long time. Felt like i was 10 yrs younger! That shit was great!

Yesterday was leg day. Thigh was no longer hurting. I hit it really hard but didn't push too much cuz I don't want to get injuried. banged out 8 reps at 335. Could barely walk out of the gym and my ass was spasming!!! The shit was crazy. Felt so strong yesterday.

Also hit the 2nd pin yesterday too. Left quad. I went a little higher than mid point on the thigh. Warmed up the test under water this time. Also slowed the injection time. Hoping this will help with sorenes. This morning i cant even notice.

So far the scale is reading 5 lbs up. I can't really see it in the mirror yet bet definitley feeling stronger and tighter.
Hit the gym up yesterday. Diet was great but legs were shore as shit from Squats!! Workout kinda sucked. Hit up shoulders. Pushed pretty heavy but nothing to right home about. The pumps are fucking killer. I look at the weights and I get a pump. Havent jumped on the scale yet today.
About to head to the gym in a couple hours. Goona do some light cardio to loosen up my legs and hit up calves, abs, forearms. Rest day really.
First week down. Didn't hit the gym yesterday. Was tired and diet was shit. Didn't sleep well last night so not sure how today's workout will be.

Week 1 Recap.

+ 3 lbs on the scale.
Muscles feel really tight and the pumps are fucking amazing! Pumps didnt start kicking in until the end of the week. Both injections went smooth but the first one hurt like a mofo for a few days later. Diet was strong all week until the weekend and it fell apart.

No negative sides yet. Well with the exception of my hair seems to be falling out. I have a history of that anyhow. Stopped taking Propecia while on the dbol. Will start back in 3 weeks once I stop the dbol.

Week 2 starts today with a chest workout and an injection afterwards. Hopefully some more weight gain will follow this week!
Hit the gym tongiht along with second pin. Chest night and was strong as anything. Both weights and reps increased. Pump was out of this world. I feel like i am begining to bloat a little as i don't look as cut up as I was when i started. no worries though. nipples are still good to go. Might add some arimedex next week.
The pin was once again smooth. I've been heating up the test before i inject. Right thigh tonight. Will see how it feels tomorrow.
Feeling bigger and other are noticing. - Its definitley a good feeling and the pumps are addictive!
the first couple pins for me left me sore the days after but its been smooth sailing ever since. no soreness at all!

the dbol gives you some killer pumps. keep it up
Keep the updates coming man.
I'm finishing up my second week on GP DBol myself, and I'm looking forward to seeing how next week plays out for you.
Sooo it has been a hot minute since i've posted. Sorry. Been crazy busy with work. No worries. It hasn't slowed me down at the gym. Seeing some massive gains this past week. Diet was weak Tues-Thursday....only consumed about 2800 kcals per day. But kept up the protien. Stength has been increasing like mad. PUMPS ARE FUCKING AMAZING. So far the scale is reading 11 pounds up as of this morning. Fluctuates a good bit so I will get my true week 2 total on Monday morning. Hoping to keep around the 10+ mark. Everyone in the gym has been asking what "supplements" i am taking. PROTIEN PROTIEN PROTIEN is all i say. LOL. Cant wait till the test starts kicking in.

Other than the hair falling out more than normal, btw- iam using Nizoral now ( THanks SouthernCross) I am getting a few pimples. Gonna start the arimadex next week too as my nipples are starting to itch a little. Otherwise feeling like a million bucks. Been taking pictures and measurements so i will post them prob mid way or all at once in the end.
fuck yea bro-sounds like your dbol is good-it makes me feel like a millionm bucks as well

ive heard reall good things about GP orals
fuck yea bro-sounds like your dbol is good-it makes me feel like a millionm bucks as well

ive heard reall good things about GP orals

oh yea.....shit is amazing. Wasnt sure what to expect being my first cycle. I feel like I can lift the world. I've heard the same about GP orals. Using GP test too. Cant wait for that shit to kick in!!
Everytime I go to post the wife seems to walk in. Anyhow,

Week 2 in the books.

Starting Weight: 157
Week 1 Weight : 160
Week 2 Weight : 164

Net Weight Gain: 7 lbs.

Where to start. Obviously the scale is showing some great gains. 7lbs in 2 weeks! My weight does fluctuate throughout the week because my diet sucks on the weekends!! Max I've been up is 11 pounds. The strength gains are massive. Been trying not to push it as I don't want to risk injury. Been taking pics and measurements throughout. Here is a snap shoot of gains.. all in inches

Neck 1.25
Shoulders 2
Chest 0.75
Bis 0.5
Forearmes 0.5
waist 1
Thigh 2.5
calf 0.5

Nipples have gotten a little sensitive so I started arimidex this week.

Feeling good about the cycle....cant wait till I see some bigger results!!

I've read the threads on here...went to take injection and noticed that my other vial is cloudy, clumpy and crystalized. Ive warmed and it is no liquified but I can still see crystals in it.

I've already spoke to my source and he will replace but will take up to 3 weeks. I will run out of my other vial by then. Is the test safe to take with the crystals in it? I've read mixed things about it.
Any help is appreciated!
Great gains thus far. Keep up the hard work Whitey!

As for the test, heat it up again and see if you see any of the crystals dissolving. Sometimes it can take a bit from what I've read.
Awesome gains I am running the same cycle, with some t3,clen and Winstrol (winny). Today will be my seventh on the dbol. Strength is up, muscles are always tight and when I hit the gym the pumps are amazing. As far as the cyp goes it hurt like hell for to days too. Trying holding the vial in a bowl of hot water.
Great gains thus far. Keep up the hard work Whitey!

As for the test, heat it up again and see if you see any of the crystals dissolving. Sometimes it can take a bit from what I've read.

Thanks Tommy. Looks like the multiple heating up of the test worked There are some very small crystals still in there but nothing like it was. I will just heat up each time before I inject.

Awesome gains I am running the same cycle, with some t3,clen and Winstrol (winny). Today will be my seventh on the dbol. Strength is up, muscles are always tight and when I hit the gym the pumps are amazing. As far as the cyp goes it hurt like hell for to days too. Trying holding the vial in a bowl of hot water.

Nice Ro. You have a thread on here? I didn't see one. The Test doesnt hurt anymore. I can feel the next day but nothing like it was the first couple