First Cycle Test E / DBol


New member
I'm planning to start my first cycle of Test E and DBol as soon as I lower my BF% to at lease 15%. I have experience with several ProHormone cycles but have never tryed test. I've been doing extensive research on the overall process but I wanted to post my plan to see if you guys can help me with the process. I'm 43 yo 5'9" 205 lbs. I've been lifting for over 5 years. Primary goal is cut/recomp. Planning on eating about 3500 - 4000 cal per day and doing lots of cardio.

Some concerns include gyno and infection. so any tips on this are are greatly appreciated. Another concern is current BF%, it's a 20% and I understand it's not safe to start my cycle at that BF%.

I'm pretty much ready to start all, I'm just working on bringing down my BF% to at least 15%. I'm on a Alpha T2 / OxyElite Pro cycle with an intense cardio workout.

This is my plan:

12 Week Cycle (Test E / DBol)
***8211; Weeks 1 through 12 Testosterone E at 500mg per week
***8226; Sunday 250mg = 1.25cc
***8226; Wednesday 250mg = 1.25cc

***8211; Weeks 3 and 4 Pre Load for DBol
***8226; 1000mg Milk Thistle
***8226; 1000mg Hawthorn berries
***8226; Cycle Assist

Weeks 5 through 8 DBol at 30mg per day
***8226; 30mg Dbol 15mg AM / 15mg PM
***8226; Cycle Assist
***8226; Milk Thistle
***8226; Hawthorn berries
***8226; Saw Palmetto
***8226; Liver 5.2
***8226; Taurine as needed

post cycle therapy (pct) Support
4 Week post cycle therapy (pct) will begin 2 weeks after the last testosterone shot

***8226; Weeks 1 and 2 - 40mg Nolvadex (Day 1 - 60mg)
***8226; Weeks 3 and 4 - 20mg Nolvadex
***8226; post cycle therapy (pct) Assist
***8226; Milk Thistle
***8226; Saw Palmetto
***8226; Liver 5.2
***8226; Titanium
***8226; Suppress C

***8226; HCG (Not sure if I want to do this one)

Thanks for your advice and comments.
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ic why your doing week 3 and 4 so when test is in full gear, got a question why not run it during weeks 1-4 or 1-6? otherwise looks great man, gonna gain some serious size. MY girlfriends dad is running the same cycle, he's running dbol 1-6 at 30mg and his strength is unreal.
ive doen various cycles, dbol only, Sustanon (sust) and dbol, test enthate, cypionate, even the ole pro hormones back in the early 2000's before they were banned, (because they actually worked!). right now, I am trying a homebrew tren\ fina conversion. havent lifted for a year, back into it.(neck injury) currently, Im about 1 week into 75mg 2 days tren only, with protein and 4000mg l-arginine a day for nitric oxide. let me tell ya, feel great. no sides so far, just alil more agressive than normal, (temper), but duable.kicking around the idea of synovex h conversion and stacking. however, thinking about dbol stack with the tren. too much on the liver? one is a 17, and the other a 19. both short acting, but what Im curious the most about, how hard is it to synthisize d-bol? cant find info how ti do it.. if not, reputable sites? even if its a good UGL, so be it. I know that there is alot of "imposters" on the stopsigns. the best I ever got was the polish blister packs, funny thing, I felt like I was runnin a fever when I was on em.. can someone direct me on the info for dbol synthisis? or do I have to have a masters in chemisty to do it? is it cost effective, or just better on the gamble of ordering?
looks good currenty doing same thing except 40 mgs d-bol weeks 1-5 and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu wk twice a week thru out wks 4-14....finishing off cycle with 3 wks of prop then pct
I did my first test enanthate injection last Friday night in my right quad and the next morning I woke with the injection area pretty sore and some pain, which I thought it was normal. This morning 2 days later the the pain got pretty strong and the area where I injected is swollen and red. I tried to workout today but the pain was too intense so I just picked up some heat packs and I'm taking advil for the pain. I injected with a 1 inch 23 gauge pin. followed all the procedures, the process went pretty smooth.
Do you guys know if this is normal "Virgin Muscle" or is it possible that the area in infected. BTW - I injected yesterday with 250 IU of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on my left quad and that went pretty smooth with no problems.
what's you guy's take on this, I'm supposed to do my second injection tomorrow night and I'm not sure what to do, I really want to continue with the cycle. Thanks!
not a doc... but its most likely just virgin muscle. dont fret just pin in another spot. when i did sus 250 the first couple of times it got swollen and red and hot to the touch. eventually went away. ur body is trying to fight it cuz its something it is not used to. just to make sure u said u injected last friday right? so thats like 3 days? if so give it like 2 more days and then see.
yeah it's been 3 days now, today was the worst pain but the heat packs are helping a ton. I'm going to pin my left quad tomorrow and see how that goes. I'm going to make sure I release the oil slow this time and warm it up a bit. I think I injected it all in about 3 seconds and I understand it's supposed to be a very slow process.
yeah after the 4th day it started to look much better, the red and the swelling went away on the 5 day and today ( a week later) all is good at least with that injection spot. On Tuesday I injected my left quad but this time I took about a minute to inject the juice and there's only a little bit of soreness but no infection. I guess the fact that I didnt take my time injecting the juice the first time it created an abscess infection.
This morning I injected my right calf to switch it up a little bit. The only thing abnormal that I noticed was that when I pulled out the needle from my calf a ton of blood started coming out and got a good size bump on the injection site. It's been about 4 hours and the bump is gone and everything looks good.
So far the only thing I've noticed is that my appetite has gone through the roof. I'm eating at least 5 or 6 meals per day with protein shakes in between. I've gained 4 lbs in one week, but it could all be water retension since I'm drinking at least a gallon of water per day.
Glute injections are now my favorite spot, I started with quads and it was just a bit uncomfortable to even walk. Yes, the pain did go away after a 5 days or so but I felt as if I was going to fall down because I couldnt feel the quad muscles at all.

One thing that seems to work, is to warm up the loaded syringe right before the injection. I use a microwaveable heat pad, wrap the loaded syringe in it for less than one minute and the injection is quite smooth, it helps disperse the oil faster.

I am using Test E as well, and I understand the hunger... haha.
Good luck with your cycle, bro!
Yeah I hear you, same here Im sticking to Glute injections going forward. I need to be able to workout my legs too.

Quick update:
Im on my 4th week and everything is going well so far.
Weight: Im up from 196 lbs to 202 lbs ( BF% 17.5 down to 16.0%)
Nutrition: Calorie intake is between 3000 to 3500 / 300 to 350 g of protein - Eating a ton of chicken, fish and egss. veggies, brown rice, oats, almonds, milk, peanut butter and 4 protein shakes per day, including 1 of Casein.
Strength: I started noticing strength spikes at the end of my 3rd week, today my strength is way up. My bench press is up from 245 to 275 (x4) / shoulder BB press is up from 185 to 225 (x4)
I started noticing how my body is starting to reshape, sharper muscles and veins are starting to pop up in my arms.
Side effects: Oily skin and very light acne. Aggression is very elevated this week, Im getting spikes of mood swings and I get in hatin moods. Its all good though it helps a ton at the gym.
Libido is way up, random boners all day and Im banging my girl almost every night. At first she was against me doing this cycle and now that shes benefiting from it shes the one injecting my gluts lol!
HCG: At first I wasnt sure if I wanted to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but now Im glad I did, my boys are hanging nice and low and they look fuller than usual for some reason so its all good with that.