First Cycle: Test Enanthate - 12 Weeks


New member
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'd like to say thank you to everyone that contributes, and does legwork for guys like me, and all the other nOobs. Over the next few months I'll be doing the basic "beginner" cycle, and just wanted to have a way to document my progress for myself, and those who have yet to cross over to "the dark side". I'll try to be as informative as possible, because the guys that do weekly updates in their threads have helped me greatly. Any advice will be appreciated.

Stats: 27yo

Weeks 1-12: Test Enanthate - 250mg(1ml) Monday, and Thursday=500mg(2ml) per week.
Aromatase inhibitor (AI) - 12.5mg(.5ml) Exemestane=Aromasin (Liquid Stane) EOD

post cycle therapy (pct) - Clomiphene (Clomid) 50/50/50/50
Tamoxifen (Novladex) 40/40/20/20
Day 2: PIP is a motherfucker. I feel like someone hit me in the ass with a hammer; makes it tough to do dead lifts. No sides, no raging boners, no different. Injected last night at around 8pm, lifted. Went to work today, came home and lifted. Just got done, and I feel like the same ole white boy. Oh, actually if I noticed anything it was that I seriously took a piss about every hour. Other than that nothing. Have a good night, boys!! .... and girls.

Edit: Went to bed last night, and was sweating my dick off. I felt really really hot.
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Itll take a little bit for the placebo to kick in if it does for you. bestof luck and the pip will get better
Day 3: Nothing different. My ass still feels like I got gang raped. Hot baths, and heat pads are a life saver for PIP. I'm not going to post anything until I see some slightly dramatic changes. No sense in burning bandwidth.
Week one is complete. 2nd injection was left glute, and pip is still there. It took 6/7 days for my right glute to get better. Injected right delt last night, and woke up this morning with a decent amount of pain. I stretched a little, and it's doing better. I'm gonna go do chest/tris, and see what happens. I've gained 7-10lbs on average over my usual weight from morning to night, so I'd say it's mostly diet/water. I'm taking the stane though, so I thought that would keep water down. I feel stronger when I lift, but I think it's all mental.
Great job on a well thought out and researched cycle! I didn't get any PIP except for my second pin but I've heard it gets better after time. Also use as small a needle as possible and make sure your hands are steady. If they're shaking it will only increase PIP. Best of luck to you.
Day 3: Nothing different. My ass still feels like I got gang raped. Hot baths, and heat pads are a life saver for PIP. I'm not going to post anything until I see some slightly dramatic changes. No sense in burning bandwidth.

lol this one had me dying laughing. Im waiting on my Test in the mail... i give it a whole week or two before it gets here. Got the same stacks as you, except I got arimidex and not aromasin... Im excited but NOT excited for PIP. Can you message me the name brand of test you got? I heard the one I ordered gives PIP...
looks good man!


i would add an oral for my first cycle as well

maybe some dbol/tbol for 4 weeks at 40mg


but test only is usually the safe way
Left delt injection just occurred. HOE-LEE-SHHHHIIIIIITTTTTT!!!! I picked up my arm to wipe away the blood after injecting, and flexed my deltoid, it felt like someone stabbed me in the injection site. I'm starting to fall in love with PIP. I remember reading about guys saying shit about learning to love PIP, and thinking,"we got a badass over here". I have seen the light; AAS is the future.
Week three, Day three: Injected right glute on Monday, no more PIP. Shit's amazing. Injected, hit legs, went to bed. I woke up with a little soreness, but my legs and ass were sore from lifting, so I didn't even notice. No problems, no sides. The only strange thing I've noticed is I get really hot on the nights I inject; My wife even notices it. And my nipples get hard as hell when I'm lifting. I assume it's due to increased blood flow. I'm up 10-12lbs overall. I feel really good, and my workouts are intense as hell. Lastly, my dick gets hard when the wind blows....
Week 4, Day 5: Well boys, I think it's finally hit. I've felt great for the past two weeks, but now it's even better. I've got more energy, I feel better overall, and my lifts went up easily tonight. On my last two sets the first 4 reps were like benching the bar. I feel like I'm getting stronger. I'm still around 175-180, but I know I'm getting stronger, so only time will tell. A little acne on my right eyebrow, but I realized today I wipe sweat off my dome with my right forearm over my eye. So I just need to stop touching my face, and wash it twice a day. My skin's oily, but not bad. I'm just getting started; I can't wait to post results.