First cycle TRT user. test en and deca


New member
Hello im on the 8th week of 500mg of test enanthate and 100mg of deca (i know should be at least 200) my question is im using during the cycle, anastrozole 1mg ew and bromocriptine 1,25mg ew when i stop the usage i'll continue 160mg of test enanthate 1,25bromocriptine and 1mg anastrozole, should i add more to the pct or this is enough?

Till now 7.5kgs
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People on trt don't do pct. If your lowering your test dose, dont u think u gotta lower your ai dose too?
No i don't have gyno problems but i had high prolactin and high estrogen on latest bw

Was this a problem before TRT? I only ask as test and deca will increase them further, which might cause problems for you if you don't increase your AI/DA doses. I'd suggest you get a private test done to see where you sit now. As those are the doses you use on TRT, you would just simply resume to them along with your test dose.
No i don't have gyno problems but i had high prolactin and high estrogen on latest bw

High estrogen or high estradiol?

I think it would be helpful if you could poat your most recent TRT blood work and Blast blood work. Just clearly label which is which and indicate what you were taking and the time and when the blood work was taken.