First Cycle What to take


New member
I'm 6'4 and weigh 230 pounds. I lift weekly with one day off a week. My diet is strict and I run about a mile or two daily a night. I want to get bigger hn what I am now and bulk up more. I heard I should take test e but i honestly don't know where to start so thats why I joined on here.
okay after reading a little i was thinking about trying
Weeks 1-12 test E 500mg
Weeks 1-14 .25 arimidex EOD/as needed etc
Weeks 14-18 clomid (liquid form; odd dosages) 70/70/35/35
Weeks 14-18 nolva 20/20/20/20
okay after reading a little i was thinking about trying
Weeks 1-12 test E 500mg
Weeks 1-14 .25 arimidex EOD/as needed etc
Weeks 14-18 clomid (liquid form; odd dosages) 70/70/35/35
Weeks 14-18 nolva 20/20/20/20

I find Test C gives me a better bang for my buck, in comparison to Test E, with 10-12 week cycles...just my personal opinion. 500mg/Week is the dose you want to be at...your Arimidex dose and schedule is good....and the Nolva+Clomid for a Test only cycle would be overkill. Pick one or the other and do an Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast if it makes you feel good.
I don't see a problem.with both clomid and.Nova..they provide the same effects basically but still work differently. I think taking both covers u from all angles and provides the fastest possible recovery. Maybe overkill, but thats wat I prefer. Everything else. Looks good man. Good luck.
I don't see a problem.with both clomid and.Nova..they provide the same effects basically but still work differently. I think taking both covers u from all angles and provides the fastest possible recovery. Maybe overkill, but thats wat I prefer. Everything else. Looks good man. Good luck.

I label it overkill because I don't like where it puts my liver values, totally not necessary. I find one or the other paired with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) works more than enough wonders to have a great recovery.
okay after reading a little i was thinking about trying
Weeks 1-12 test E 500mg
Weeks 1-14 .25 arimidex EOD/as needed etc
Weeks 14-18 clomid (liquid form; odd dosages) 70/70/35/35
Weeks 14-18 nolva 20/20/20/20

that is very good, only for me i would go 14 weeks of teste, just mt op, i like longer cycles of 14-16wks.
the cycle is on point 100% though
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I label it overkill because I don't like where it puts my liver values, totally not necessary. I find one or the other paired with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) works more than enough wonders to have a great recovery.

its better to have the combo.
if anything Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is over used and not needed in most the cycles i have been seeing. if its extra long or with harsher compound ok fine. a 12-14 week test cycle? common...
THanks for the advice guys I was thinking about throwing winstrol in the cycle. What do yall think I mean I good/bad things about it.
THanks for the advice guys I was thinking about throwing winstrol in the cycle. What do yall think I mean I good/bad things about it.

why? here's the problem. wins is good stuff. the problem is, what if you don't like it? how will you know which item is causing the sides you don't like? you need to get a feel for what test is like before you start adding other goodies to the mix. test is best. start with that.
THanks for the advice guys I was thinking about throwing winstrol in the cycle. What do yall think I mean I good/bad things about it.

Me personally, I'd stick with just test before I did a test/winny cycle. Why add in extras when you don't know what test can do for you yet?
i rec 500iu 2X a week the last 4-5 weeks of cycle.
less possible issues/damage to the testies from Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in my op.

I'd love to see a discussion between someone such as yourself who advocates that method versus some of the vets who prefer using it throughout. Or is that just your recommendation for his simple test only cycle?