First Cycle - Winny Only


Fist King
Finished week one of six of Winstrol (winny) only cycle. Taking 50mg daily, half in the morning and night. I'll update with pics after week three and six. First pic is week 3 of 6, bottom pic is week 1 of 6.

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so no need for advice or anything you have figured all out Winstrol (winny) only ha, nice !!
one if the reasons people sign up here is to figure things out with the knowledge and experience of others and be safe.
dont play bro>
Diet's great. Lost 20lbs in the last month. Taking fish oil. Give me a break, I'm trying. I appreciate your support though. Next cycle will be kick ass.
30 yrs old
210 lbs
lifting hard 4 days a week 2-3 hrs a day for almost 3 yrs
bench 315x3
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... I hope you're kidding... Trying to give constructive advice here but honestly you should've gone with test e for your first cycle, and I'd of waited till I cut down my bf. Using gear while cutting is pretty pointless. You shouldn't lose muscle when cutting, and if you are losing muscle then you're not doing something right or you're already extremely lean. Since you're dead set on running this cycle you should definitely get something for your joints, you'll dry out pretty bad and they'll start to hurt which'll effect your lifts. Last thing I have to say is you REALLY need a better supplier.

I wish you the best of luck. Keep us updated.
I'm glad I picked this forum over the others. Wish I came here earlier. My right shoulder, elbow and wrist hurt like hell. My arm fell backwards about a month ago doing 100lb military press dumbells and my shoulder hasn't been the same and I fell on my wrist on Saturday and it hurts like a bitch. I'm planning on working through the pain but damn.
... I hope you're kidding... Trying to give constructive advice here but honestly you should've gone with test e for your first cycle, and I'd of waited till I cut down my bf. Using gear while cutting is pretty pointless. You shouldn't lose muscle when cutting, and if you are losing muscle then you're not doing something right or you're already extremely lean. Since you're dead set on running this cycle you should definitely get something for your joints, you'll dry out pretty bad and they'll start to hurt which'll effect your lifts. Last thing I have to say is you REALLY need a better supplier.

I wish you the best of luck. Keep us updated.

Thanks guys.
And yes, you do need a post cycle therapy (pct). get some nolva or clomid. Any time you run a steroid/PH you'll suppress your natural production of testosterone. A post cycle therapy (pct) is always a must.
Copy that. How much exactly and how should I take it?

Depends on what you take. Most prefer clomid. Just look up post cycle therapy (pct) and clomid, you should find it pretty easily. I've heard Winstrol (winny) isn't very suppressive so you shouldn't need that much clomid. It's oral, and I'd prolly go with 50/50/25/25. That should be fine.