First Cycle - Winny Only

I learned what others have experienced within a week reading the STICKYs. Then you ask the inbetween questions your not sure of.
I joined a natural bodybuilding forum a few years the sticky's.. asked questions. Won first in my competition. (Avatar)
I joined a ls1 the stickys...asked questions...Turned my Stock Trans am (13.9 quater mile time) into a 10.17 drag car.
I joined this get the stickys ask questions. And take the advice of the experienced members, don't do this on your own terms. It takes time, you have to have patience to succeed.
Diet's great. Lost 20lbs in the last month. Taking fish oil. Give me a break, I'm trying. I appreciate your support though. Next cycle will be kick ass.

You lost 20lbs last month? why start Winstrol (winny) if everything is going great?
Listen to the bros on here man, they know what they are talking about. test only first cycle. Go with cyp or enanthate two pins per week (mon-thurs) 250mg each pin. for 10 weeks. full post cycle therapy (pct) two weeks after last poke. Goodluck man.
Why should I just stop, well besides because my right arm is falling off...

Man, I think you're answering your own question here.... There's absolutely no shame in stopping a cycle because shit hits the fan. Guarantee its happened to even some of the vets on here. Run post cycle therapy (pct) and get your arm healed up first, then you can plan a proper cycle. Lifting heavier is only going to make it worse and then you're going to be even worse off and have bigger issues than tiny nuts! At the very least, go get it looked at and start making some informed decisions. We're here to make some suggestions, unfortunately you're already in the pool throwing water everywhere and can't hear the lifeguard standing right in front of you.
(Yes I love metaphors! :) )
Thanks guys. I really appreciate your help and support. I'll make sure to get things done the right way from here on out.
Sorry I snapped back at you. I'm going through some horrible shit. Your avatar had some bearing on me joining the forum just to let you know. Let's be pals.

I have no problems with you my man, but listen man you need to reaserch on this kind of stuff you can hurt yourself VERY BAD!!! just stop what you doing right now and get your self to read and ask the PROPER questions about how to run a cycle, diet, gear, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct). We are pals already;)
Finished week one of six of Winstrol (winny) only cycle. Taking 50mg daily, half in the morning and night. I'll update with pics after week three and six. Pic below is before I began.

Horrible cycle.
and Winstrol (winny) is harsh on yoru blood and tendons.
And yes, you do need a post cycle therapy (pct). get some nolva or clomid. Any time you run a steroid/PH you'll suppress your natural production of testosterone. A PCT is always a must.

exactly and thats also why you should NEVER run a cycle without a test base. even just an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) amount of test.

run a post cycle therapy (pct). grab a bottle of clomid from RUI and study 30-50mg ed for 2-3 weeks (4 if you feel you need it but 2-3 should be fine)
also since this is orals, you start pct the next day after taking last pill.
p.s. i know you said you had a hard time recently and guess what were not dumping on you okay

but just try to listen , you came here for advice now we are giving it

not to mention you dont even have post cycle therapy (pct) and you didnt think you needed it cause a drug dealer told you so. guess what without post cycle therapy (pct) your body could loose ability to ever make testosterone on its own

not having post cycle therapy (pct) is the biggest offense on here

thats not true , post cycle therapy (pct) is to help speed recovery, recovery will happen (if it was going to in the first place) with or without post cycle therapy (pct), but it may take longer. the point of post cycle therapy (pct) os to speed it up as fast as possible to tray and hold onto gains.

but i agree he should have a post cycle therapy (pct) and is stupid not to do one.
I see. Damn. I wish things were different. Thank you guys. I'll have to take some time to figure this out.

If I start test, what kind should I get, and what dose should I take?

testenth or testcyp 400-500mg ew for 12-16 weeks . wait 1-2 weeks afterlast shot, then start post cycle therapy (pct).

but i think you may want to take soem time to study on this a bit more first.

make sure you get post cycle therapy (pct) andan Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like STANE Or letro
There is a difference....... but because your not running test, Will it be worth it???? I think no. I thought you was stopping this shit and running a real cycle???
I wanted to finish what I started. Too bad I didn't do it right from the beginning. I'm on a good diet and working my ass off. Strength is back up to what it was before I lost 20lbs. I can't wait to get started on the next one. My joints feel better since I've been taking fish oil. Taking milk thistle too.

So...let me get this right. I SHOULD do a PCT after the winstol cycle of clomin? (thanks porkchop) And cycle 2 should be test only? Why not add a bulking steroid with the test? I'm so hungry btw all the time...
TBH I don't notice any difference between now and when you started, except for the hair on your body you had at first.
Yes you need to run post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid 50/50/50/50. cycle number 2 should be test only and if your looking to cut you should look into a cutting diet if you havn't already. I would wait a few months before you start this though.
Yes you need to run post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid 50/50/50/50. cycle number 2 should be test only and if your looking to cut you should look into a cutting diet if you havn't already. I would wait a few months before you start this though.

Copy that. BTW whats 50/50/50/50 mean, and what kind of test, and why test only? Thanks buddy.