First cycle with anavar


New member
Hello everybody

I'd like to receive some advice for this first cycle with anavar. Currently i'm almost 22years old, 163lbs and 5,74feet (175cm). I was very fat till 1year ago, almost 250lbs. I have also a excess skin near navel.

View attachment 549440

1week>anavar 7.5mg/day
2week>" 10mg/day
3week>" 10mg/day + legalon 2times/day
4week>" 15mg/day + legalon 2times/day
5week>" 15mg/day + legalon 2times/day
6week>" 15mg/day + legalon 2times/day
7week>" 10mg/day + legalon 2times/day
8week>" 7.5mg/day + legalon 2times/day
9week> legalon 2times/day
10week> legalon 2times/day

Protein intake at 3.5g/lbm and +500kcal surplus.

Any advice?Thanks
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Everyone will tell you that you have to use test with it. do some research. Anavar even as its more mild will shut you down. plus the doses you listed are to low you wont see any effect. you have to take 50 mg + a day.
well bro, your running Anavar (var) at low doses a female would take, atleast take 50mg, with test bro.