First cycle


New member
I'm currently wanting to try a cycle. All I have access to right now is golden triangle Winstrol (winny) 15mg caps. Can anyone advise on how many times a day to take it and how much the dose should be? I'm not sure what all plays a role in my does. My weight is 175lbs. Any info would help alot. Also is there any thing else I would need to talk with it or would Winstrol (winny) be ok by itself?
TLW82 said:
I'm currently wanting to try a cycle. All I have access to right now is golden triangle Winstrol (winny) 15mg caps. Can anyone advise on how many times a day to take it and how much the dose should be? I'm not sure what all plays a role in my does. My weight is 175lbs. Any info would help alot. Also is there any thing else I would need to talk with it or would Winstrol (winny) be ok by itself?

ive tried Winstrol (winny) alone, and honestly....i really liked it. I liked it with Test alot better though. If i was you id wait, and run Test alone at 400-500mg weekly if you can get it. then maybe use the Winstrol (winny) for the 2nd cycle with Test. but if take the Winstrol (winny) at around 50mg daily, no more than 6 weeks.
What are your goals. What do you want to accomplish with that cycle. You do understand you need to also get some tyoe of post cycle therapy (pct) and that you are very limited with what you can accomplish with Winstrol (winny) alone. I would wait if I were you until you had more knowledge and more choices to make a proper first cycle. It isnt something you want to rush into and waist.
dude... if you've only been lifting for one year you should not even be considering using aas... train for another year or two and hit your max potential and then do it