"First" Cycle


New member
I'm going to be logging this mostly for my own review, but I'm looking forward to any advice/feedback/encouragement etc. as well.

-Test E, 500mg weekly broken up into two injects per week, 12 weeks
-Week 14 begin clomid, likely
Day 1 300mg
Days 2-13 100mg
Days 14-28 50mg
-Also am contemplating running Hcg weeks 5-13 at 500iu weekly
-I'm not prone to gyno, but have some nolvadex on hand just in case, will dose at 20mg daily if and when needed

4 day split:
Monday; horizontal push/pull
Tuesday; quad dominant legs
Thursday; vertical push/pull
Friday; currently deadlift/hamstring/posterior chain day, may drop hamstring work and replace with box squats

I'm going to start by keeping the calories relativeley low, around 3000. If I feel I can eat more without excessive fat gain I will. Food choices will be kept pretty clean, protein will be kept at a minumum of 200-250 grams daily.

Strength is first and foremost, with size as a pleasant side effect. I'm going to gauge my success by my squat dead and bench numbers.
Bench; would like to at least see 300lbs (old pr)
Dead; again, at least 415lbs (old pr)
Squat; I must be the worlds most horrible squatter. So I'm really just looking to get my squat out of the "adolescant girl" category
As a side note to the squats... I've read many articles and watched many videos hoping to clean up my squat. I've now moved beyond thinking it's my form and just accepted I am not built to squat.
More important than achieving these numbers keeping them after the cycle, as well as not becoming a complete fat ass in the process.

Personal History
I've been lifting with varying degrees of intensity and succes for 7 years. I've went from a 200lb fat weak kid to a 160lb scrawney weak kid, back up to a 200lb chubby but strong(er) kid. Gaining strength is somewhat easy for me, the problem is the accompanying fat gain. This has made me progress very slowly, as I am always forced to bulk and cut, bulk and cut. I know a lot of people will think 3000 calories is pretty damn low while on test, but this is a number I know from experience produces pretty quick weight gain for me. I'm just hoping that this time it'll be muscle instead of fat.
In anticipation of this cycle I went on a mini cut for the past couple weeks. That combined with the new program I'm starting will probobly take me a couple weeks to find my true 5 rm's and 8 rm's. Also I expect my lifts to take a little jump up the first couple weeks as I've discontinued the cut and upped the calories.

My first pin was today, but i started the new program last week so I'll post last weeks log.

T bar row 115lb x5,5,5,5,5
Bent row 135x 8,8,8
flat bench 225x 5,5,5,5,4
incline db 70's x8,8,6

Squat 185x 3,4,3,4,3
leg press 200x 8,8,8
bb curl 80x 8,8,8

pull ups bwx 5,5,5,4,4
cable pulldowns 120x 8,8,8
BB OH press 135x 5,4,4,4,3
upright rows 90x 8,8,8

deads working up to singles 335x1,1
hamstring curls 60x 8,8,8
hyper extensions bw +35x 8,8,8
dips bwx 8,8,8

My first injection went very well. My girl is an RN so she's doing it for me :laugh4:
The pin itself caused basically no pain at all. And as of right now my ass doesnt hurt at all, though I've heard it takes about a day to really start acting up so we'll see what happens tomorow.
I know that because I've done a couple stints with prohormones in the past and had no issues with it. I'd also like to say that prohormones are absolute shit .

You said it I am no expert here, however doing prohormones and test are too different creatures. Always keep some Nolva on hand is what I have been thought.
From what I have read here, bitch tits can happen, its happened to the best of them, to be sure Id have it on hand. I dont think I ever read a person being not prone to it. More like every body builder has experienced symptoms of it at some time or another.
An expert is fixing to rip you a new asshole for trying/doing/fixing to attempt a gear cycle without educating yourself. Ive been on this forum since 2003, I don't post much at all, I read and learn. Try it.
*Someone please teach me. Correct me if Im wrong.

You prolly need the Hcg to turn your nuts back on so thats good you have that ...at least.
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You said it I am no expert here, however doing prohormones and test are too different creatures. Always keep some Nolva on hand is what I have been thought.
From what I have read here, bitch tits can happen, its happened to the best of them, to be sure Id have it on hand.
An expert is fixing to rip you a new asshole for trying/doing/fixing to attempt a gear cycle without educating yourself. Ive been on this forum since 2003, I don't post much at all, I read and learn. Try it.

You prolly need the Hcg to turn your nuts back on so thats good you have that ...at least.

A) as i said in my original post, i DO HAVE nolva just in case, so if gyno does become an issue, I'll be able to deal with it

B) buddy, I've read a SHITLOAD, here and other places. I am certainly no pro, but I've done my research and have put together what I thought was a pretty good and safe first cycle. It seems to me you disagree, and if thats the case than please let me know why.
Ok Buddy,read a shit-load huh? 500 mg of test E and a fat
kid ...kid...kid..kid..kid200lb fat weak kid to a 160lb scrawney weak kid, back up to a 200lb chubby but strong(er) kid.....
how old are you?
How tall,
and how much to you weigh right now. Pretty much standard.
I never said anything was wrong with your cycle, or even hinted towards it. However at 26, putting a 200 13 year old for your avatar and calling yourself the fatkid...I figured you were only 18, if that.
Cycle on dude.
Most recommend a first cycle straight test, while I have seen others insist on a stack for the first 4 weeks or so.
You'll do great.
Ok well that makes a little more sense now, i thought you were trying to flame me for putting together a bad cycle, I didn;t realize you were thinking I was too young. In hindsight I probobly should've put my age in the original post.

As to stacking with dbol or somthing else..
I've seen two ways of thinking, the
"Your first cycle will be your best, you should make the most out of it" aka multiple compounds
Or "Your first cyle should be kept simple to see how your body reacts to one compound"
I'm not saying either is right or wrong, I just prefer to be on the side of caution
t bar rows 120x 5,5,5,5,5
bent row 140x 8,8,8
bench 225x 5,5,5,5,5
incline db 70x 8,8,8

squat 185x 5,5,5,5,5
leg press 250x 8,8,8
bb curl 80x 8,8,8

assisted pull ups 40x 5,5,5,5,5
cable pulldowns 130x 8,8,8
seated OH press 135x 5,5,5,5,5
upright rows 90x 8,,8,8

deads 345x 1,1,1
hamstring curls 70x 8,8,8
hypers 35x 9,9,9
dips bw x 8,8,8

I'm glad to see strength is on the way back up, which I'm attributing to the higher calorie intake. Second pin was just as smooth as the first... minimal pain. I'm thinking I want to tweak my program a little, more volume for shoulders, and still wanting to incorporate box squats somewhere.
125x 5,5,5,5,5
145x 8,8,8

230x 5,5,5,5,4
75's x 8,8,7

185x 3,3
290x 8,8,8
80x 9,9,8

Lower back was real sore from fridays workout still, affected squats real bad. I'm definitly going to have to tweak the program a little.

In general feeling good, I'm happy to see my strength improving while staying relativeley lean. I'm thinking I'm going to have to start upping the calories even more soon.
I have a recurring shoulder issue thats been acting up the past week or so, as well as my lower back still being sore, so its time to make some changes.
-For shoulders Ill be replacing upright rows with side laterals, 3x8
-I'll be replacing hyperextensions with box squats, probobly 3x8
-Dropping dips, adding cgbp, 3x8

-40 x 5,5,5,5,5
130x 8,8,8

145x 5,5,5,5,5
20's x 8,8,8

345x 1,1,F
165x 8,8,8

I'm fighting a little bit of a cold this week, but besides that am feeling fine. I did my 4th shot yesterday, and am getting anxious for the test to kick in.
Tbar rows 130x 5x5
Bent rows 145x 3x8
flat bench 230x 5x5
incline db press 75'sx 2x8
Box squats 155x 5x5
leg press 270x 3x8
bb curl 90x 8,7,6
assisted pull ups -40x 5x5
cable pulldowns 140x 3x8
seated OH press 155x 5,5,5,5, 160x5
side laterals 25'sx 3x8

My lower back is still really bothering me, I'm not even sure how i hurt it. I essentially cant squat because of it, but fortunatly I've discovered I can box squat. It'll be intersesting to see how deadlifts go tomorrow.
I tried an injection in the quad for a change yesterday, its a hell of a lot more sore than my ass usually is.
Week 4

t bars 135x 5x5
bent rows 150x 3x8
bench press 235x 5x5
db incline press 80's x 3x8

Its safe to say the test is kicking in. I felt awesome in the gym today and was happy to see an increase in all my lifts. I'm feeling bigger and stronger. I'm putting on a small amount of bodyfat but I guess thats to be expected. It'd still be nice if this lower back thing went away but aside from that everythings going good.
Box squats 185x 4,4,3,4,3
leg press 290x 3x8
bb curl 90x 8,8,6

ass. pull ups -30x 5,5,5,5,4
pulldowns 140x 3x8
oh press 160x5x5
side laterals 30x6, 25x 10,10
Week 5
t bar 145x 5x5
bent row 155x 3x8
flat bench 245x 5,5,5,5,4
incline db 80x 8,8,7

back squats 185x 5x5
leg press 340x 8,7,7
bb curl 90x 8,8,7

Could finally back squat for the first time in a few weeks.
Yeah I've noticed a lot of guys like to run it much lower, like 50/50/50/50. I guess I was trying to be overly cautious with the high dose, thanks for the input.

no problemo. i was planning on clomid for my first cycle post cycle therapy (pct) but after reading more and more, i decided to switch to nolva, but everyone is different..while some may breakdown with the 100 of clomid, others say they are perfectly fine.