"First" Cycle

assisted pull ups -30x 5x5x
cable pulldowns 150x 8,8,7

OH press 165x 5,5,5,5,4
laterals 30x 8,8,7

deads worked up to a single @ 375
box squats 135x 3x8
ham curls 70x 3x8

cgbp 165x 3x8
tri pushdowns stack +35lbs x 3x8

Fucking finally I was able to deadlift
No hate, but I dont think your pushing yourself hard enough, or your diet isnt in check, maybe shitty routine for you?

I always check your log, as some things are getting better, I honestly dont see much improvement that could no have been done naturally. I dont say this too put you down, just my observation.

Good luck.
No hate, but I dont think your pushing yourself hard enough, or your diet isnt in check, maybe shitty routine for you?

I always check your log, as some things are getting better, I honestly dont see much improvement that could no have been done naturally. I dont say this too put you down, just my observation.

Good luck.

Hey don't worry about it, I welcome the critique, it's all a learning experience to me.

Can I ask what specifically leads you to believe there's a problem with my diet/routine or intensity levels? Overall I've been pretty pleased with the strength gains I've been getting on the compounds, for the most part I've been going up 5-10lbs per week on most lifts.
Of course my squat continues to suck, but my lower back has been hurting for the last couple weeks so I haven't really been squatting much....

I don't know, should I be seeing more strength gain than I have on week 5, assuming everything is in check?
Kind of came out wrong I guess, But what I meant is, in your first post you said that you used to dead 415, bench 315 etc. I guess I was expecting the weights to fly up with both muscle memory and the gear.

None the less your making progress so great job and keep it up!
Week 6

Tbar rows 155x 5, 150x 5,4 145x 5,5
bent rows 165x 8,8,7
flat bench 250x 5,5 245x 5,4,4
incline db 80's x 8,7,7

I thought Id be a lot stronger today so I upped the weights a little too much. Also I lost a pound since last week so that may be to blame.
Going to add 500 calories per day.
squat 195 5x5
leg press 340 3x8
bb curl 90x 3x8

asisted pull ups -30 5x5
cable pulldowns 140 3x8
shoulder press 165 5x5
laterals 30 3x8

I'm a little puzzled, some lifts I'm steadily improving, but some I'm struggling with. I'm thinking next week I'll "reset" the weights on a couple exercises. Looking forward to deadlifting tomorrow.

deadlift, worked up tp a 375 single
box squats 155x 3x8
cgbp 170x 3x8

Here's my halfway point thoughts.

Test E is definitly not what i expected so far.
I've put on 13 pounds. A good portion of that is muscle. I'm feeling and looking bigger and harder. People have noticed. Considering I've been eating a hair consevatively I probobly couldve gained even more.

What surprised me is the strength gains... or lack of. I've definitly progressed pretty good in some lifts, but it doesn't come nearly as fast as I expected. The only previous experiance I've had with anabolics was with different prohormones, some of which would put 40lbs on my bench in a 4 week cycle. Of course those cycles usually didn't result in much weight gain, and I would typically lose most of the on cycle gains I made anyway.

So in short, test is awesome, but definitly not a magic pill (or pin). I am very curious to see how the next six weeks go.

I'd also like to give a huge universal "thank you" to the members of this board. I have learned so much from Ology it's amazing. Besides this log I rarely post here... but I read like a madman, and I wouldn't know even half of what i do if it weren't for the guys here.
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13 pounds is pretty good half way through. bump up the calories from here on out..take full advantage of what's left.
145 5x5
155 3x8
245 5,5,5,4,3
80 3x8
360 3x8
90 3x8
-30 5x5
140 3x8
165 5,5,5,5,4
30's 3x9
365 1,1,1
165 3x8
Ok if anyones following this I could use some advice.
Weeks 4 and 5 things were starting to go good. My strength was going up and body composition was improving. Then I moved onto the second bottle of test. Week 6 my lifts sort of stalled, so I upped my calories. Week 7 my lifts stalled again. So at this point I'm pretty frustrated. Also worth mentioning, my sex drive started out like an animal, but during this week 6 and 7 had gone down. Not gone, but not raging. Now I'm thinking my second bottle is underdosed or bunk. Unfortunatly I tossed the empty first bottle, but bottle 2 and 3 were the same batch #. I was ready to give up the cycle and start pct.
INSTEAD... I moved onto bottle 3... and upped the dose from 500mg/week to 750mg/week.
Today was my second pin at 750mg, and I'm feeling better.

So here's my questions.
-Does it sound like bottle 2 is bunk?
-if bottle 2 is bunk, so shouldnt be bottle 3, right?
-why then am I feeling better today after switching to bottle 3?... keeping in mind it's only been 4 days since I switched.
-am I just being a retard expecting too much from test? is it normal for lifts to stall while on 500mg/week?

t bar 150 5x5
bent row 155 3x8
flat bench 285 single
db incline press 85 3x8

I forgot to mention, during week 5/6/7 I started taking aromasin at 12.5mg/day. Could this have played a part in it?
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