HI. Started my cycle with win and then switched to var..my husband had asked ya'll about it and we went with Supergirls advice ..was planning to do the 12 week cycle..still am ..feel a little achy.but my body is flipping..my muscles are getting hard from the var and i've gotten size from the win and var but the last two weeks of the win and the entire time so far using the var i've got break through bleeding every day..i get that they're male hormones and all but IS that a normal side effect????? I've been reading the forums but there isn't much on this other than some girls losing their period.. it would be much easier that way..husband thinks maybe i should cut my cycle now and taper it off partly cuz of the bleeding and partly cuz we don't know what kind of rebound i'm going to have ..would rather finish the cycle..REALLY love the way var makes me look..any outlooks?? Also,since this is my first cycle what rebound effects are there?? REALLY nervous about that when i do come off!! Thanks!!