first cycle


New member
Hi I'm a newbie to this site. I'm hopefully going to start my first cycle of test in the next month or so. I am going to be taking 300mg/ml a week for 10 weeks. Firstly I've heard that 300mg/ml is a very painful injection? So would it be wise to split it into 2 x 150mg per week? I'm also confused about the post cycle therapy (pct) which is why I haven't started because I want to be 100 percent sure about everything. Would I need hcg and nolvadex and when should I take them, dosage and how long for. Any help would be appreciated as iv tried researching the net. Also I'm 25 yrs old and have been training for 4 years. My diet is also good . Thanks
isnt test an oil based steroid therefore reducing the amount of pain u get when injecting ... im sure its the water based steroids that are meant to hurt like a punch in the ass lol ... im starting my first cycle in a month or so gonna try and squeeze an extra few pounds of muscle through diet and gym before i do but when i start ill be running teste on its own so i hope it doesnt hurt :/ as for post cycle therapy (pct) im just a newbie myself so i dont wanna give advice out if it is no good for u
anyways good luck keep us posted about ur gains ect
Test E has a half life if two weeks, go look at the "massive newbie info" post by sticky, you'll learn all you need to know, don't forget to get blood test done so you know your normal levels, them during if you want and after you do your pct