First Dbol - Deca Cycle.

lol, hold your horses pal. I know its a pathetic cycle ( now). And well I did read like 500 pages of Laymans guide to steroids 1,2,3. Feels lile I have been doing my research at all the wrong places.
This cycle was supposed to be a beginner cycle, you know or so Mick Hart wrote in his book.
Ha Ha.... Sorry to bust your balls man but didn't want u to find out the hard way . Most people don't do enough research or do the wrong research and end up fucking them selfs up in the long run. I am glad we were able to veer u against this cycle . I really hope u come up with a better plan and rember Diet, Diet, Diet!!!! .... Good luck bro!
Running sus for 4 weeks will literally do nothing. Might gain some water from the dbol, but a four week cycle is pretty useless. Would just stick to test e or c for 12 weeks, could kick with dbol but you dont really need to for a first cycle. Just enjoy the test.

Above ALL else though, agreeing wiht above, its 80% diet, 15% training, 5% gear, so get the rest in check first.
Running sus for 4 weeks will literally do nothing. Might gain some water from the dbol, but a four week cycle is pretty useless. Would just stick to test e or c for 12 weeks, could kick with dbol but you dont really need to for a first cycle. Just enjoy the test.

Above ALL else though, agreeing wiht above, its 80% diet, 15% training, 5% gear, so get the rest in check first.
My man just run Test c or e for 12 weeks at 500mg/week, don't bother with deca since you don't even know any of the sides and etc... since you don't have any AI's and no pct written out

Week 1-12 test e 500mg/week
Week 1-17 Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (Liquid dex 50mcg eod or e3d)
Week 14-18 PCT Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20

If you want to run dbol so bad then only run dbol Week 1-4 30mg ed; that amount will be enough to get you results.