First ever cycle need help


New member
Hi guys im going to start my first cycle soon been training for a year started off really fat around 240lbs 37% bodyfat now 180lbs 17%bf height is 5'9 20 years old. My trainer wants me to run:
3ml EOD(alternating with the tren)Primobolan 100mg/ml
3ml EOD Stanazol 50mg/ml
3ml EOD (alternating with primo)Trenbolone (Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 75mg/ml) (Drostanolone propionate 100mg/ml)

Im going to start with a lower dosage then start increasing. Trainer will be injecting everything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
U should fukin fire your trainer!thats all i will tell u bro, fukin nuts, ppl are really ignorant and dumb..
Don't put to much faith in your trainer!! I suggest at your age if you want to run a cycle like this I would only run primo at the max of 400mg a week , tren 300 max a week, Winstrol (winny) max 400 a week, and I really don't think the masteron is necessary for you but if you want to push it I would say 400 max a week. Above all do your own research!!
Don't forget clomid, nova , natural test boosters, liver protection etc..
One more thing if u are just looking for some size and strength and a little less fat burning then the stack u plan to take go for Epistane max dose 30 mg a day but 20 mg would be more than enough. Ur ass wont be so sore with all the pins you'll be getting and a hell of a lot cheaper and my opinion a better way to enter the world of anabolics. Islandsupplements I think still sells it.
Don't put to much faith in your trainer!! I suggest at your age if you want to run a cycle like this I would only run primo at the max of 400mg a week , tren 300 max a week, Winstrol (winny) max 400 a week, and I really don't think the masteron is necessary for you but if you want to push it I would say 400 max a week. Above all do your own research!!
Don't forget clomid, nova , natural test boosters, liver protection etc..

How long do you suggest I run the primo 400mg/week tren 300mg/week and Winstrol (winny) at 400mg/week ? I will be taking nolvadex and proviron for PCT