First Ever Cycle with log- clen, keto, taurine

21 years old, 6'2", 190-195lbs, ~15% bf

Got my gear in the mail today, excited to start cycling tomorrow or the next day. This is my first cycle ever so I want to get opinions before starting to cycle. I've got some fat I want to trim from my lower abs and obliques....

30-40 min cardio 5x/wk
1-2 hour lifting 3-5x/wk
10-15 min abs 5x/wk
400-500mg potassium ed
*Check temp/blood pressure every weekend

I have clenbuterol 30mL 200mcg/mL, ketotifen 30mL 1mg/mL, and taurine 100 capsules/500mg
Clen- 6000mcg
Keto- 30mg
Taurine- 500mg

Taking clen either all at once in the AM or twice throughout the day (second dose 3PM @ the latest)

1. 20mcg clen + 5mg taurine
2. 20mcg clen + 5mg taurine
3. 40mcg clen + 5mg taurine
4. 60mcg clen + 5mg taurine
5. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
6. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
7. 100mcg clen + 5mg taurine
400mcg clen
35mg taurine

1. 60mcg clen + 5mg taurine
2. 60mcg clen + 5mg taurine
3. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
4. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
5. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
6. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
7. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
520mcg clen
35mg taurine

taurine 5mg/day

35mg taurine

1. 1-2mg keto/day + 5mg taurine
2. 1-2mg keto/day + 5mg taurine
3. 1-2mg keto/day + 5mg taurine
4. 1-2mg keto/day + 5mg taurine
5. 1-2mg keto/day + 5mg taurine
6. 1-2mg keto/day + 5mg taurine
7. 1-2mg keto/day + 5mg taurine
7-14mg keto

1. 60mcg clen + 5mg taurine
2. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
3. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
4. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
5. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
6. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
7. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
540mcg clen
35mg taurine

1. 60mcg clen + 5mg taurine
2. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
3. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
4. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
5. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
6. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
7. 80mcg clen + 5mg taurine
540mcg clen
35mg taurine

1. 1-2mg keto/day+ 5mg taurine
2. 1-2mg keto/day+ 5mg taurine
3. 1-2mg keto/day+ 5mg taurine
4. 1-2mg keto/day+ 5mg taurine
5. 1-2mg keto/day+ 5mg taurine
6. 1-2mg keto/day+ 5mg taurine
7. 1-2mg keto/day+ 5mg taurine
7-14mg keto
35mg taurine

Benadryl if needed

14-28mg keto used
2000mcg clen used
245mg taurine used

1. Is it ok to switch between keto and Benadryl as I listed above due to the limited amount of keto I have?
2. Do I need to take taurine during my 2 weeks off of clen?
3. What else can I do to trim my extra bellyfat? I know good diet and workout are keys points to reaching my goal- any pointers re: that? good exercises while cycling?
4. How does my overall cycle look?
