Hey all, I've used these threads before to gather information but this is my first post. Within the next few months I am looking to start my first PH cycle, going with H Drol since it's more mild than others and a good beginner PH. I plan on going on a 6 week cycle 50,75,75,75,75,75 but I have some questions about support supplements.
First of all, here are my specs:
Age: 22
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190 lbs
I actually work at a gym so I eat very healthy and frequently. I have a 5 day routine: Back, Legs, Chest, Shoulders, Bis/Tris.
I have been looking at information for H Drol for a while now, and also looking at other member's cycles in the threads. My main question is, do I need Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support or will milk thistle, Hawthorne Berry, fish oil and other vitamins suffice? Some users say that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is needed, while others do not. Can i load with MT and HB, and continue using them throughout my cycle to control all my body issues, or do I need to throw in some AI?
Here's my tentative cycle (not including Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support)
Week 1-2 Preload
Milk Thistle
Fish Oil
Week 3-8
Week 3 - 50 mg HDrol
Week 4-8 75 mg HDrol
Milk Thistle
Fish Oil, Multi, Animal Pak joints
****Should i add cycle support during this time?****
Week 9-12 post cycle therapy (pct)
Milk Thistle
Nolvadex 20,20,10,10
Activate Xtreme & Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Post Cycle
Also, how is my post cycle therapy (pct) looking?
Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Even bash me if you want, as long as you give me some help here.
Thanks all.
First of all, here are my specs:
Age: 22
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190 lbs
I actually work at a gym so I eat very healthy and frequently. I have a 5 day routine: Back, Legs, Chest, Shoulders, Bis/Tris.
I have been looking at information for H Drol for a while now, and also looking at other member's cycles in the threads. My main question is, do I need Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support or will milk thistle, Hawthorne Berry, fish oil and other vitamins suffice? Some users say that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is needed, while others do not. Can i load with MT and HB, and continue using them throughout my cycle to control all my body issues, or do I need to throw in some AI?
Here's my tentative cycle (not including Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support)
Week 1-2 Preload
Milk Thistle
Fish Oil
Week 3-8
Week 3 - 50 mg HDrol
Week 4-8 75 mg HDrol
Milk Thistle
Fish Oil, Multi, Animal Pak joints
****Should i add cycle support during this time?****
Week 9-12 post cycle therapy (pct)
Milk Thistle
Nolvadex 20,20,10,10
Activate Xtreme & Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Post Cycle
Also, how is my post cycle therapy (pct) looking?
Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Even bash me if you want, as long as you give me some help here.
Thanks all.