First H Drol Cycle: Questions on Support Supps


New member
Hey all, I've used these threads before to gather information but this is my first post. Within the next few months I am looking to start my first PH cycle, going with H Drol since it's more mild than others and a good beginner PH. I plan on going on a 6 week cycle 50,75,75,75,75,75 but I have some questions about support supplements.

First of all, here are my specs:
Age: 22
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190 lbs
I actually work at a gym so I eat very healthy and frequently. I have a 5 day routine: Back, Legs, Chest, Shoulders, Bis/Tris.

I have been looking at information for H Drol for a while now, and also looking at other member's cycles in the threads. My main question is, do I need Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support or will milk thistle, Hawthorne Berry, fish oil and other vitamins suffice? Some users say that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is needed, while others do not. Can i load with MT and HB, and continue using them throughout my cycle to control all my body issues, or do I need to throw in some AI?

Here's my tentative cycle (not including Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support)

Week 1-2 Preload
Milk Thistle
Fish Oil

Week 3-8
Week 3 - 50 mg HDrol
Week 4-8 75 mg HDrol
Milk Thistle
Fish Oil, Multi, Animal Pak joints
****Should i add cycle support during this time?****

Week 9-12 post cycle therapy (pct)
Milk Thistle
Nolvadex 20,20,10,10
Activate Xtreme & Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Post Cycle

Also, how is my post cycle therapy (pct) looking?

Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Even bash me if you want, as long as you give me some help here.

Thanks all.
The milk thistle should have you covered but if you think you need more something like IronMagLabs Advanced cycle support will cover all you organs and BP.
I just went an entire cycle with N2-Guard stand-alone for overall support and it worked out well for me. Cycle layout looks really good and thought through, you'll do fine with that set-up. Just keep up the intensity and add in the calories you'll get some great results!
not sure so i'll ask... are you talking about using an aromatase inhibitor on cycle or some product called "AI cycle support"? I believe what you're reading is some say that you need to use an Aromatase Inhibitor on cycle...

an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should not be needed with hdrol but should always be on hand IMO because gyno isn't soothing you want to live with.

only use it sparingly if you have persistent gyno symptoms. if you use it and your joints start to hurt thats a good sign you've killed most of your estrogen in your system and need to back it down a bit.

everything else looks good- its nice to see someone who's done heir homework. GL with your cycle.
here is how i ran mine... i gained 15 lbs. and dropped body fat...

helladrol 75/75/75/100/100/125
N2Guard (you don't need to buy everything in single bottles, you are covered here)
fish oil
forma stanzol (started mid cycle and ran through PCT) (this is your AI)

Torem 90/60/60/30 (
Lean Xtreme
Creatine Nitrate

I also ran MK2866 in mine but you may or may not want to do that...

i have coupon codes for most everything on here if you would like...
not sure so i'll ask... are you talking about using an aromatase inhibitor on cycle or some product called "AI cycle support"? I believe what you're reading is some say that you need to use an Aromatase Inhibitor on cycle...

an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should not be needed with hdrol but should always be on hand IMO because gyno isn't soothing you want to live with.

only use it sparingly if you have persistent gyno symptoms. if you use it and your joints start to hurt thats a good sign you've killed most of your estrogen in your system and need to back it down a bit.

everything else looks good- its nice to see someone who's done heir homework. GL with your cycle.

sorry for the confusion, by Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support I actually meant Anabolic Innovations Post Cycle Support
sorry for the confusion, by Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support I actually meant Anabolic Innovations Post Cycle Support

sometimes the proper ratios are not present and sometimes there are plenty of un-needed extras in there that jack up the cost and decrease the actual value for what you'll be using it.

never used Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cycle support - but as with all "all-in-one" supps i compare the quantity of what i need in there and how much i need to take total.

then take this info and compare to how much i would spend on individual supps in the proper dosages. it takes a little time but i don't like getting screwed on something that was fairy-dusted

and i almost NEVER take anything that has "proprietary blend" on the ingredient label. it usually means they're hiding something and I wouldn't chance it with support supps that are well known and not "proprietary" at all.

maybe this will help.

if you know that you just need help with liver/BP then using HB and MT may be all you need.
here is how i ran mine... i gained 15 lbs. and dropped body fat...

helladrol 75/75/75/100/100/125
N2Guard (you don't need to buy everything in single bottles, you are covered here)
fish oil
forma stanzol (started mid cycle and ran through PCT) (this is your AI)

Torem 90/60/60/30 (
Lean Xtreme
Creatine Nitrate

I also ran MK2866 in mine but you may or may not want to do that...

i have coupon codes for most everything on here if you would like...

Holy smack...did you have any issues with High Blood Pressure with that dosage of Helladrol? I ran a conservative 50/50/75/75 and my blood pressure was pretty high. Went from normal, to high. 160/90 or something, its in one of my logs.
no issues at all and I checked it regularly... some people just react differently than others so that's why you should listen to your body no matter what you take... I didn't have any sides except for slight lethargy the last week... Other than that it was just sweet!

Holy smack...did you have any issues with High Blood Pressure with that dosage of Helladrol? I ran a conservative 50/50/75/75 and my blood pressure was pretty high. Went from normal, to high. 160/90 or something, its in one of my logs.
Hey dylangemelli
on the Helladrol again. Got the Helladrol Starter Stack...
No high blood pressure. Been running 75mg/day since the 15th of this month(March 2012).
Already feel the effects. Got some back pump here and there.

Only thing different is taking Forged Liver cycle, and drinking alot more water than I did previously.
So I plan on doing a 5 week cycle, as long as blood pressure stays good.
of course pct...

So, drinking alot more water seems to be helping so far. I never really monitored it before while on cycle, just drank water regularly. But now I am monitoring.
Hey dylangemelli
on the Helladrol again. Got the Helladrol Starter Stack...
No high blood pressure. Been running 75mg/day since the 15th of this month(March 2012).
Already feel the effects. Got some back pump here and there.

Only thing different is taking Forged Liver cycle, and drinking alot more water than I did previously.
So I plan on doing a 5 week cycle, as long as blood pressure stays good.
of course pct...

So, drinking alot more water seems to be helping so far. I never really monitored it before while on cycle, just drank water regularly. But now I am monitoring.

you need to run it for the full 6 weeks, you will be fine with it... you definitely need to be drinking a lot of water on it...

you know, with some people, the initial reaction is to have high bp but then the body gets used to it and it goes back to normal, especially if your taking the right supports... its a shock to your body, especially if you have never ran anything before, but you will be fine... if you need any help along the way, let me know!