First hdrol cycle - a few questions

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To start I am 27, ~185 @ ~12% BF been lifting for about 3 years and have never taken a ph or anything else much stronger than creatine. I have been doing tons of research on this for the past few weeks and before I start a cycle I just wanted to try to clear a few things up as I have read some conflicting information in different places.
I will try to make this as easy as possible in terms of organization.
6 week hdrol cycle 50/75/75/75/75/75
2 weeks Cycle Assist Pre, then during
PCT - Nolva 20/20/10/10 & PCT Assist

1. Does this dosage look correct?
Week 1
AM - 25g
3-4 hours later - cycle assist
Afternoon - 25g
3-4 hours later - cycle assist
Weeks 2-6
AM - 25g
3-4 hours later - cycle assist
Afternoon - 25g
Evening - 25g
3-4 hours later - cycle assist
2. Milk thistle - some logs had this supplemented pre/during/post, is this something i should add? If so should i take it with the cycle assist timing-wise?
3. Nolvadex - Another timing issue, during the weeks i am taking 20g so i space it out 10/10? A few things i read said the timing was less important on the PCT

4. Gyno - From what i have read this does not seem like a common side effect on hdrol, although i read a few instances of people swearing hdrol gave them gyno, are there symptoms I should be aware of or warning signs? I have read about puffiness of nipples or tenderness but not sure if that is a normal side or a precursor to gyno
5. If something did happen gyno-wise or for any reason i stopped taking the hdrol should i immediately go into the nolvadex PCT as planned? Are there any risks or complications to stopping a cycle early?
6. Back pumps/tuarine - Probably the most common unpleasant side effect which I have read about are the back pumps, should i be supplementing Tuarine from the start to try to prevent these or just wait and see and if i need it then start taking it? Any risk to taking too much Tuarine? The dosage ranges people have added into their cycles are huge.

7. I have what is known as an innocent heart murmur or a functional heart murmur, not something I think about ever and has not in any way effected my life. I have taken stims (jack3d, vpx meltdown) and not had any issues, is there any reason to think this would be a problem?
8. Along the same lines, caffeine - I probably have 2 cans of diet coke a day, would this be a problem, i could always switch to water for the 6 weeks so that would not be a big deal
9. Cardio - i play basketball for probably 2 hours 1-2x a week, no reason that would be an issue right?
10. Beer/alcohol - Besides slowing potential gains any risk health wise of drinking alcohol or beer while taking hdrol? I found some conflicting answers.

Well that does it, i know its a lot i am just trying to make sure i know as much as possible before I do this, dont feel like you have to answer all of it, i am interested in anything you have to add.

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I did a 4 week cycle which worked well for me, i did a dosage of 50/50/50/75 and got really good results